24 May 2022

Your health during pregnancy

You are pregnant and getting ready for your first pregnancy... For 9 months, your body will gradually change to give life to your baby

What about your health? First of all, you should know that you will be closely monitored y a health professional from the very beginning. In many countries, you can choose between your regular doctor, a gynecologist, or a midwife. Turn to the professional with whom you feel most comfortable. They will answer all questions you have and guide you on the precautions to take.

Surrounded by someone you trust, your pregnancy will go much more smoothly. The purpose of pregnancy monitoring is to keep an eye on your health and that of your baby so that you know everything is going well for you and your baby. You have to admit that there is nothing more reassuring than this!

You'll probably love ultrasounds and prenatal exams. The closer you get to your due date, the more regular your follow-up visits will be to prepare for birth in the best possible conditions. Since your health directly influences the health of the child growing inside you, there are certain tips that will become your life rules.

Don't worry, you don't have to change your habits! What's on the menu for you is also on the menu for your baby. Eat a healthy and balanced diet to give your baby the best possible foods. If you love rare meat or raw cheese, you'll have to take a break. Your health professional will give you a list of foods to avoid for the sake of your ay.

Your new motto: no alcohol, no tobacco, and just a little caffeine! If you're already involved in sports, you can continue as long as they don't pose a risk to your pregnancy. Otherwise, this is your chance to get some exercise! Not only to keep your figure, but ut also to be active and keep your spirits high.

Finally, rest when you feel the need to - never forget that your well-being is essential to your baby's.

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Weight during pregnancy


Don't risk putting on a lot of weight during your pregnancy because it will be harder for you to get back into shape after giving birth. Here are some tips and tricks to control your weight during pregnancy:

  • For a normal pregnancy, it is estimated that you will gain between 25 and 35 pounds—unless you are expecting twins or triplets.
  • Weight gain is essential for your baby, but don't go overboard as it can be harmful.
  • Try to eat a balanced diet and don't give in to temptation!

Sport, sun and back pain during pregnancy: what are the risks?


Sport, sunshine, and pregnancy are perfectly compatible! You just have to be careful.

Sport is not contraindicated during your pregnancy. On the contrary, walking, swimming, yoga, and cycling are recommended. Sport releases endorphins, a well-being hormone that is excellent for the baby.

If your back hurts during pregnancy, swimming and yoga will help your back to strengthen its muscles and ligaments.

If you feel like sunbathing, avoid exposure between noon and 4 p.m. and apply an SPF 50 every 30 minutes. There is no risk for the baby, but you can get the famous pregnancy mask because of the hormones.

Ask your obstetrician or your midwife!

Medicines and vaccines for pregnant women


During the first nine months of pregnancy, you should be careful with medications and vaccinations. Your doctor should evaluate the risks and benefits for your baby before giving any vaccines. You can get inactivated or cell fragment vaccines, such as hepatitis A and B, tetanus, and pneumococcus.

Against the flu, it's recommended to get the mom vaccinated. All vaccines based on live attenuated viruses are prohibited: yellow fever, chickenpox, measles, and rubella. So avoid risky destinations!

Self-medication is also to be avoided: ask your obstetrician or midwife for advice before taking any medication. Only paracetamol for headaches and antispasmodics such as Spasfon for stomach pains are authorized.

Sleep during pregnancy


Between the small inconveniences and your growing belly, falling asleep is not always easy. Here are a few tips to quickly fall into the arms of Morpheus.

  • In the evening, eat a light meal and avoid acidic foods that promote gastroesophageal reflux (spices, vinegar, etc.).
  • Don't drink too much water before going to bed, otherwise, you'll have to get up before you can sleep.
  • To help you fall asleep, consume calming herbal teas based on chamomile or passion flower.
  • Prepare your mind for rest: a nice bubble bath or a novel is better than a scary thriller!

The risks of tobacco, alcohol and aspartame


Some products are really not good for your pregnancy: tobacco, alcohol, aspartame, do you know the risks for your baby?

For 9 months, you will have to abstain from alcohol. Even if you only drink one glass of wine, alcohol reaches the fetus via the placenta. It's extremely harmful, it can cause physical malformations and growth delays. You will also want to stop smoking when you learn that it increases the risk of sudden death (SIDS) in infants. It can also cause miscarriage and complications during delivery.

Finally, the risks associated with aspartame have not been formally proven. As a precaution, it is best not to consume it.

Diabetes and pregnancy


Are you diabetic and you wonder if this will affect your pregnancy? Women with diabetes can conceive, but you must take precautions before and during pregnancy.

If you are diabetic: You must "plan" your pregnancy for at least 3 months before conception. Your doctor will do a check-up to make sure that everything is going well.

They will also advise you to follow a well-balanced program to avoid major fluctuations in blood sugar levels. During the pregnancy, make regular checks to see if everything is OK!