2 Apr 2024

Yoga for Menstrual Well-Being

Yoga for Menstrual Well-Being
Are you tired of feeling like a hot mess during your period? Fear not, my friend, because yoga can be your ultimate go-to for menstrual well-being 🧘🏽‍♀️ 
Say goodbye to painful cramps, bloating, and mood swings with some fun and gentle yoga poses that can turn your period from blah to hooray!
Child's Pose
Let's start with a pose that's so comforting and soothing, it's like a hug for your uterus - Child's Pose 🥰 
Get on your hands and knees, then lower your hips back towards your heels and stretch your arms out in front of you. You can even imagine yourself as a baby curled up in a cozy womb! Breathe deeply and let the soothing sensation wash over you.
Bridge Pose
Now, let's get groovin' with a pose that can perk up your energy and relieve those menstrual cramps - Bridge Pose ⚡️ 
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip-width apart. Then, lift your hips up towards the ceiling and let your arms rest at your sides. Imagine you're a bridge spanning over a river, strong and grounded. 
Feel the stretch in your abdomen and hip flexors as you breathe in and out.
Cat-Cow Pose
Next up, let's add some feline grace with Cat-Cow Pose 😻 
Start on your hands and knees, then flow smoothly between arching your back on the inhale and rounding your spine on the exhale. Imagine yourself as a graceful, purring cat, moving with fluidity and ease. 
This pose can help alleviate back pain and tension, and get your energy flowing smoothly.
Yoga Nidra
Lastly, let's drift off into a dreamy state with Yoga Nidra 😌 Lie down on your back and close your eyes. 
Then, focus on your breath and let yourself drift off into a state of deep relaxation. Imagine yourself as a goddess lounging on a cloud, surrounded by a halo of serenity.
Let go of all worries and tensions and just breathe 😮‍💨
Remember to be kind and gentle with yourself during this time. Listen to your body and honor its needs. And if you experience any severe pain or discomfort, don't hesitate to seek medical advice. 
With regular practice of these fun and soothing yoga poses, you can turn your period from a dreaded time to a time of rejuvenation and empowerment! 
So go ahead, get your yoga on, and embrace your menstrual flow with open arms 🤗
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25 Oct 2022

What do you guys do to stay healthy physically and emotionally during pregnancy and postpartum I need advice like hormones and mood swings and fatigue, like what do u guys do for your overall well being? Do you notice a difference when you take prenatal do they help that much, do you do yoga do u have a certain diet, what works for u?

Emotionally I chose not to engage with toxic and negative people , even family. I walk pushing my 3 year old in the stroller. Baths, music, books.
27 Mar 2024


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I'm actually struggling with that and I needed to hear that. People like to try and control my mental state while I'm pregnant.
27 Mar 2024


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