2 Apr 2024

Painful childbirth: how to cope?

Painful childbirth: how to cope?
While every woman's pain experience during childbirth is unique, there are various techniques and strategies available to help you cope and have a positive birthing experience.
By preparing both physically and mentally, utilizing pain management techniques, and having a supportive birth team, you can navigate the challenges of childbirth with confidence and strength.
Let's explore some effective strategies for coping with the pain of childbirth. 💪🤰
Preparing Physically and Mentally 🏋️‍♀️🧠
  1. Attend Childbirth Education Classes: Enroll in childbirth education classes where you can learn about the stages of labor, pain management techniques, and relaxation exercises. Knowledge about the birthing process can help reduce anxiety and empower you during labor.
  2. Practice Relaxation Techniques: Learn and practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, visualization, meditation, or hypnobirthing. These techniques help you relax and focus during contractions, easing the intensity of pain.
  3. Stay Active and Exercise: Engage in regular prenatal exercise to strengthen your body and improve endurance for labor. Prenatal yoga, swimming, and walking are gentle activities that can help prepare your body for childbirth.
  4. Create a Supportive Birth Plan: Discuss your birth preferences with your healthcare provider and create a birth plan that outlines your desired pain management techniques, such as using a birthing ball, warm compresses, or hydrotherapy. Having a clear plan can provide a sense of control and comfort during labor.
Utilizing Pain Management Techniques 🌟💆‍♀️
  1. Breathing Techniques: Deep, rhythmic breathing can help you relax and manage pain during contractions. Practice various breathing patterns, such as slow breathing, patterned breathing, or counting breaths, to find what works best for you.
  2. Position Changes: Experiment with different labor positions to find the most comfortable and effective ones for pain relief. Walking, kneeling, squatting, using a birthing ball, or utilizing a rocking chair can help ease discomfort and promote progress in labor.
  3. Massage and Counterpressure: Apply gentle massage or pressure to your lower back, hips, or other areas experiencing pain. This can provide relief and distract from the intensity of contractions. Your birth partner or a doula can assist with these techniques.
  4. Water Therapy: Immersing yourself in a warm bath or using a birthing pool can provide relaxation, buoyancy, and pain relief during labor. Water therapy can help reduce the sensation of pain and promote a sense of calmness.
Supportive Birth Team and Environment 🤝🌈
  1. Choose a Supportive Birth Partner: Select a birth partner who will provide emotional support, encouragement, and advocate for your needs during labor. Having a trusted and supportive person by your side can make a significant difference in managing pain.
  2. Consider a Doula: A doula is a trained professional who offers continuous support during labor. They provide physical comfort measures, emotional support, and help you navigate through different pain coping strategies.
  3. Create a Calming Environment: Transform your birthing space into a calming environment with dim lighting, soothing music, aromatherapy, and familiar objects. Surrounding yourself with positive and comforting elements can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.
  4. Utilize Medical Pain Relief Options: Discuss pain relief options with your healthcare provider. Depending on your preferences and the progress of labor, options such as nitrous oxide, epidural anesthesia, or other medications may be available to help manage pain.
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Midwife for 8+ years
Kayla H
28 Apr 2023

Ladies how do you cope with the pain of breast feeding ? 😪 my milk is coming in but I'm balling my eyes out while he's sucking or I'm pumping. How can I make it less painful.

I hear your soreness goes away after about a week but I know for me collecting colostrum I will soak in warm water and that helps me also massaging too 🤞
27 Mar 2024


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Your nips just have to toughen up unfortunately 🥹 my first go around, it didn’t stop hurting consistently until 3weeks-1 month pp, Like my nipples were cracked/bleeding/raw it got so bad. BUT, the best solution I found the second time around with my daughter, they have these things called “silverette nursing cups” and they are little silver cups you wear on your nipples whenever your not feeding or pumping and it literally was a god-send…. I had no cracks or bleeding that time, soreness yes, just because the constant rubbing/suckling of them from the baby is going to irritate it, but also checking the latch of the baby makes a HUGE difference too. And also, using the right kind of salve on it, I don’t trust regular lanolin, it can have pesticides in it from sheep (that’s how it’s made) so yeah plus it sucks, I’ve had better success putting my own milk back onto my nipples and letting it air dry on it, OR using the nipple butter by earth mama. I also heard nipple crack is good too (the brand nipple crack)
27 Mar 2024


22 Mar 2022

I'm 38 weeks with bloody discharge and painfull contractions any advise? Update: I'm in early labor but they sent me home😭 Any advise on how to cope with pain?

I'd say go to the er
27 Mar 2024


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Keep a count on how far apart they are
27 Mar 2024


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