2 Apr 2024

Kegel Exercises During Pregnancy

Kegel Exercises During Pregnancy
One superhero-like exercise that can make a world of difference is the mighty Kegel exercise. Get ready to discover the power of your pelvic floor muscles and unleash your inner strength!
💪 Building a Strong Foundation
During pregnancy, your pelvic floor muscles play a crucial role in supporting the weight of your growing baby and maintaining bladder and bowel control.
Kegel exercises specifically target these muscles, helping you maintain their strength and flexibility, which can ultimately lead to a smoother pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum recovery.
💦 Say Goodbye to Leaks
As your baby grows, the pressure on your bladder can increase, leading to those sneaky little leaks when you laugh, sneeze, or cough.
But fear not! Kegel exercises can help you regain control over your bladder and reduce the chances of urinary incontinence.
By strengthening your pelvic floor, you'll be able to hold back those pesky leaks and enjoy a confident, leak-free pregnancy.
🌟 The Magic of Improved Circulation
Kegel exercises increase blood flow to the pelvic area, which can benefit both you and your baby.
Enhanced circulation can improve overall pelvic health, provide nourishment to the pelvic organs, and support healthy fetal development.
It's like giving your body and your baby a refreshing boost of vitality and well-being.
🤰 Preparing for the Big Day
Ah, childbirth—the grand finale of pregnancy! Kegel exercises can be your secret weapon in preparing for this extraordinary event.
By strengthening your pelvic floor muscles, you'll enhance your ability to push during labor, making the process more efficient.
Think of it as training for the most incredible marathon of your life, with your pelvic floor muscles as the star athletes!
🧘‍♀️ Embracing the Zen
Pregnancy can sometimes be accompanied by a variety of discomforts, such as back pain and pelvic pressure.
The good news is that Kegel exercises can help alleviate these discomforts and promote a sense of relaxation and well-being.
By consciously engaging and releasing your pelvic floor muscles, you can find a moment of calm amidst the pregnancy whirlwind.
Remember, consistency is key when it comes to Kegel exercises. Here's a quick guide to get you started on your pelvic floor superhero journey:
  1. Locate the Muscles: Begin by identifying your pelvic floor muscles. Imagine you're trying to stop the flow of urine or prevent passing gas. Those are the muscles you want to target.
  2. Perfect Your Technique: Once you've located the muscles, practice contracting and relaxing them. Start with a slow and gentle squeeze, holding for a few seconds, and then release. Gradually increase the duration and intensity of the contractions as your muscles get stronger.
  3. Routine Matters: Set a regular schedule for your Kegel exercises. Aim for three sets of 10 repetitions per day. You can easily incorporate them into your daily routine—while watching TV, during a phone call, or even when waiting in line at the grocery store.
  4. Don't Overdo It: Like any exercise, it's important not to overexert yourself. Avoid straining or holding your breath while performing Kegels. Keep it comfortable and enjoyable, and if you have any concerns or questions, consult with your healthcare provider.
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12 Jul 2023

What are some good exercises to start doing? I'll be 27 weeks tomorrow and I haven't been as active during this pregnancy since my veins have been TERRIBLE in my right leg this time. But I want to try to have this one natural and want to make sure my body has the strength since this is #4.

I would say stretches and like doing yoga and small walks
27 Mar 2024


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Yoga and light walks
27 Mar 2024


31 Jan 2023

What type of exercises 🥊🏃🏻‍♀️💃 are you doing during your pregnancy?

Michaela 💕✨
Daily walks then rest ☺️
27 Mar 2024


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Just a lil bit of walking can't do too much bed rest for me 🥹😩
27 Mar 2024


10 Aug 2022

Trying to find weight machine exercises to do that are safe during pregnancy but having no luck...any ideas?

Lat pull downs, tricep pull downs, smith machine. Also free weight training like squats, lunges, etc
27 Mar 2024


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6 Aug 2022

is it bad not to ever exercise the entire pregnancy , i keep hearing that im gonna have a hard birth so i wanna start doing some lite exercises while i still can i mean it’s better late then never right 🥴 any suggestions on what exercises i can start doing before birth that will help with labor which is 7 weeks away & im 33 weeks pregnant now

Honestly you could just go for walks it really helps
27 Mar 2024


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yeah i was thinking like to start doing a 30 minute walk at night around my apartments cause it’s too hot outside during the day
27 Mar 2024


18 Jun 2022

It’s mandatory for me to wear honey pot panty liners atp because babyyyy when I SNEEEZEEEE it’s almost impossible for mr to hold the liquid .. 😕 I’ll literally just finish using the restroom, sneeze & someway some how pee come from somewhere ☹️ let me start back with my kegel exercises tf..

That was me too , had to throw my organic panty liner on cs uh uh , i started doing pelvic breath work
27 Mar 2024


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22 May 2022

Went to the gym did barbell squats with 15max weight nd 20lb bar Goodmornings Now my back hurt 🤣😭 Did few kegel exercises as well It felt amazing being back tho

This was the biggest adjustment for me. I use to lift and run and I just don’t have it in me. I got cramps when I walked 2 miles and I use to run up mountains🤦🏾‍♀️
27 Mar 2024


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I started working out at home and then going on walks. Feels so good to be doing something again
27 Mar 2024


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