2 Apr 2024

Are Kegels Bad For You?

Are Kegels Bad for You?
Let's explore the potential risks and benefits of Kegel exercises to determine if they can be bad for you. 💪🚫
Risks and Potential Issues 🚫🔄
While Kegel exercises are generally safe and beneficial, there are a few potential risks and issues to consider:
  • Overactive pelvic floor muscles: In some cases, individuals may already have an overactive or tense pelvic floor. Engaging in excessive Kegel exercises without proper guidance can lead to further tension and tightness, potentially exacerbating symptoms.
  • Incorrect technique: Performing Kegels incorrectly, such as squeezing other muscles or holding your breath, may not effectively target the pelvic floor and can potentially cause strain or discomfort in surrounding areas.
  • Lack of balance: Focusing solely on Kegel exercises without addressing overall pelvic floor muscle balance can lead to muscle imbalances and potential issues. It's important to include other exercises that promote pelvic floor relaxation and coordination.
Moderation and Proper Technique ✅🧐
To ensure the benefits of Kegel exercises while minimizing potential risks, consider the following:
  • Consultation with a healthcare provider: If you're unsure about the suitability of Kegel exercises for your specific situation, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare provider, such as a pelvic floor physical therapist or a gynecologist.
  • Proper technique: Learn the correct technique for performing Kegels to effectively target the pelvic floor muscles. This typically involves contracting and lifting the muscles, while keeping surrounding muscles relaxed, and breathing normally.
  • Moderation: Avoid overdoing Kegel exercises. Just like any muscle group, the pelvic floor muscles require rest and recovery. Performing too many Kegels or engaging in them excessively can lead to muscle fatigue or tension.
Pelvic Floor Muscle Balance 🌈🌟
To promote overall pelvic floor health, it's important to focus on muscle balance. This includes both strength and relaxation. Consider these additional strategies:
  • Pelvic floor relaxation: Balancing pelvic floor strength with relaxation is crucial. Explore techniques such as diaphragmatic breathing, gentle stretching, and incorporating relaxation exercises specifically targeting the pelvic floor.
  • Incorporate full-body exercise: Engage in exercises that promote overall strength, flexibility, and coordination, as they can contribute to a well-functioning pelvic floor.
  • Seek professional guidance: If you're experiencing symptoms such as pelvic pain, urinary incontinence, or pelvic organ prolapse, consider seeking guidance from a pelvic floor physical therapist or a healthcare provider who specializes in pelvic floor health.
Remember, when performed correctly and in moderation, Kegel exercises can provide significant benefits for pelvic floor health.
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1 Feb 2024

What we did to get pregnant in the first cycle: i see a lot of you post in here and ask questions about how to get pregnant fast or how to find out when the best time is to try for pregnancy. My fiancée and I (i’m the dad) received a positive pregnancy test after our first cycle (after not trying for 1 year) we spent the last year researching ways to better our chances of pregnancy and this is what we did: step 1: download the PreMom & Pregmate apps to help track your period. these apps are good at predicting when you will ovulate. the longer you track your periods, the better. -you simply cannot just ask someone when you’ll ovulate and expect them to give you the right answer. it depends on how long your cycle is and can vary monthly. this is why it is crucial to test LH step 2: purchase LH testing strips. test twice a day starting after the end of your period. the LH strips test urine and will help you determine when you will ovulate. you can also take a picture of them inside the app and track your progress leading up to ovulation. - we purchased the Pregmate Ovulation strips from Amazon step 3: purchase and start taking prenatals everyday ASAP, even if you aren’t trying right away. -We bought the “Eu Natural Healthy Conception for Her” on Amazon. take it twice daily (these will help regulate your period, if needed, and help your body get ready for pregnancy) they have some for men too if you would like your partner to take them as well. (regardless of where you get your sperm: donor, partner, etc. it’s important to make sure the sperm is heathy and fertile) Kayla’s period started 01/04/2024 and ended 01/08/2024. One app estimated ovulation on 01/18/24 while the other one estimated 01/20/2024. Using these dates, we used NI (natural insemination) on 01/16, 01/18 & 01/19 to make sure we’d hit either ovulation day. Kayla took the prenatals daily as well as Mucinex Extra Strength (daily the week of ovulation) to help thin the mucus inside the vagina to help the sperm swim. after doing the LH strips, she was actually going to ovulate on 01/18/24. so we had perfect timing with insemination right before and after her ovulation. - you will ovulate 12-24hrs after you receive a positive LH test which means the test line is equal or darker than the control line. this is why it is crucial to test urine atleast twice a day so you don’t miss your most fertile window. - your most fertile window is roughly 3 days prior to ovulation until 1 day after ovulation after sex, kayla laid down for atleast 20minutes to try and minimize the amount of sperm that comes out. we also used PreSeed for Lube - it is best to orgasm after insemination to help the sperm swim up, but if you don’t, doing kegels are also beneficial she started feeling symptoms around 5/6dpo. her first positive test was 01/29/24 i am not a doctor or professional, these are all my opinion and what worked for us. i hope this helps any of you have questions or who don’t know where to start. baby dust to all ❤️

🎀 Kayla Marie 🎀
I agree with everything except the "after" ALTHOUGH they don't hurt to do and a lot of people feel better afterwards there is no evidence saying laying down after sex increases chances! Or orgasms increasing chances! Everything else is science backed and extremely important information that a lot of people skip. I love that your so involved in the process and actually did research a lot of men don't! she is very lucky to have you and congratulations on your baby! I wanna follow your guys pregnancy journal and hope it's smooth! ❤️❤️🎉
27 Mar 2024


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6 Nov 2022

I’m 25 weeks and 5 days!! I can’t help but pee every 10 minutes!! Can’t cough, sneeze or even speed walk without peeing myself!! Anyone else got that going on?? Kegels don’t seem to be helping!

That shit is the worst lol
27 Mar 2024


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Same thing with me. The OB tech told me to talk to my Dr after having my second daughter to see what they can do. I apologized to my mom for always laughing at her when she said she just peed her pants after sneezing. 😂😂😂
27 Mar 2024


28 Jul 2022

Did any Moms do kegels or eat okra to help with an easy delivery? I was told I should’ve been started 😕


21 May 2022

Baby literally just kicked my bladder and I sudden urge to pee BUT I DIDN'T BECAUSE KEGELS. I'm telling you ladies. These exercises aren't for nothing. They honestly help! I'm doing everything I can hoping it all pays off in labor 😂

I have an appointment with a pelvic floor therapist 🥰
27 Mar 2024


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that's soo nice. I've heard of those..but idk how common that is or how you get referred. That sounds really nice.
27 Mar 2024
