2 Apr 2024

Navigating Pregnancy with Pre-Existing Diabetes

Navigating Pregnancy with Pre-Existing Diabetes
Dealing with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes during pregnancy can seem overwhelming, but with the right strategies, you and your baby can stay healthy! Understanding how pregnancy affects your blood sugar and how to manage it is key. 🌈
  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect how your body uses insulin.
  • Blood sugar control is crucial to reduce the risk of complications for both you and your baby.
  • Work closely with your healthcare team to adjust your diabetes management plan.
Diet: Your Power Tool for Blood Sugar Control
When you're pregnant and have diabetes, every meal counts. Think of your diet as a powerful tool to keep your blood sugar levels in check. It's all about smart, nutritious choices! πŸ₯‘πŸ‡
  • Focus on low glycemic index foods like whole grains, beans, and non-starchy vegetables.
  • Include lean proteins and healthy fats to balance your meals.
  • Avoid or limit foods high in added sugars and refined carbs.
Exercise: A Pillar of Diabetes Management
Regular exercise is incredibly beneficial for managing your diabetes during pregnancy. It can help improve insulin sensitivity and maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Remember, safety first! πŸŠβ€β™€οΈ
  • Aim for moderate-intensity activities like brisk walking, swimming, or prenatal yoga.
  • Exercise most days of the week, but listen to your body and adjust as needed.
  • Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting or modifying your exercise routine.
Monitoring and Medication: Keeping Diabetes in Check
With pre-existing diabetes, closely monitoring your blood sugar and adhering to your medication regimen is more important than ever during pregnancy.
  • Regular blood glucose monitoring helps track your sugar levels and adjust your diet and medication.
  • Your doctor might change your medication or insulin dosage to better suit your pregnancy needs.
  • Keep up with your prenatal appointments to monitor your health and your baby's development.
Managing diabetes during pregnancy requires careful planning and constant monitoring, but it's entirely possible to have a healthy pregnancy and baby. Stay positive, stay informed, and lean on your support system.
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πŸ•ΈπŸ’€β›“ Trei β›“ πŸŒΉπŸ¦‡
7 Oct 2023

I just learned the placenta determines whether or not you end up with gestational diabetes or pre-eclampsia. And that the placenta comes from the man. So if you end up with pre-eclampsia or gestational diabetes during pregnancy, it's because of your partner. It's interesting to me how it was always "look at the woman" if something went wrong with a pregnancy or a child was born with a disability but now they're finding out the health and age of the man is also just as important to factor in. To think so many women were mistreated if they could not birth a son only for the man to be the deciding factor on what sex characteristics the baby is born with! What king was that who regularly had his wives killed if they could not give him a male heir? I forget. But um... Yeah. He was just really consistent at shooting out girls, I guess. Wild shit to think about, I tell you...

Where u find that information
27 Mar 2024


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King Henry there was more going on he was in general a horrible spouce to all of his wives he did not kill all if i remember correctly but separated his first wife from his first daughter mary he also has two girls and one boy mary is who the tell tales of bloodly mary are made from queen Elizabeth who was one of the most famous queens in history for never marrying also for decapitating mary queen of scotts and stiking the last rebellion from the scotts that made them a part of england his son i dont know a lot about him besides his mother died in child birth and he died from illness very young so there isnt a lot of historical info on him besides that but one wife he wouldnt touch because he found her ugly so she got killed for cheating in the doc it said she did but in total he had 6 wives i know 2 for sure he executed the rest i dont remember exactly as well but i think he would after getting bored or finding someone else he lusted for
27 Mar 2024
