24 May 2022

Preparing for your baby's birth

Your baby's arrival is a very important event. To avoid anxiety, we give you some advice to prepare for her arrival. By being well prepared for this intense moment, you'll enjoy it without worries!

  • Opt for childbirth preparation classes. There are many different techniques that are often complementary, such as prenatal yoga, haptonomy, or sophrology.

  • Ask questions to health professionals so that you don't get anxious by imagining false things. It is important to talk about your fears related to childbirth and to play down the arrival of your child.

  • Packing your suitcase for the maternity ward will help you be ready for the big day and you will appreciate having your personal belongings that make you feel better.

  • You will learn to detect the signs of labor. Sometimes during the last month, you will feel contractions. There's no need to rush to the maternity ward at the first sign.

  • Try to plan your trip to the maternity ward by deciding who can take you there depending on when you're due and what route you'll need to take.

  • To celebrate the arrival of your baby, your loved ones will be eager to give you welcome gifts. To make sure you don't run out of ideas, think about preparing a birth wishlist with things you'll really need. There are now many websites that are very useful to create original birth registries.

  • It is important to involve the future father in the prenatal period and to make him take a role to show him that he has his place. Do activities together and share your feelings with him. You can also discuss what you imagine the moment of delivery to be like by visualizing this event in a positive way.

  • If you feel like adopting a particular position at the time of delivery, you can try to discuss it beforehand with your midwife. Practices have evolved a lot and more and more emphasis is being placed on the mom's well-being.

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In this article

Packing for the maternity stay


The D-day is approaching! To organize your baby’s arrival in the best possible way, it is advisable to prepare your maternity suitcase from the 8th month. But what to pack in it? Follow this guide!

  • First of all, pack warm clothes for you and the baby, for the birth room.
  • Depending on your baby's weight, estimated by your obstetrician or midwife, pack clothes and pajamas for one-month-old babies for four to five days.
  • Don't forget toiletries and towels for both mom and baby.
  • Don't forget your medical file with your latest ultrasounds and test results, your blood group card, the documents to register the baby, your national health insurance card, and your private insurance card.
  • If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask the midwives for advice.

How to make a successful birth list?


The birth list has become essential to prepare for the arrival of the baby but also to avoid ending up with a dozen comforters, five sleeping bags, and three night lights.

  • The birth list can be done on the internet or in a store. The advantage of the store is that you will be able to see the chosen articles and have the advice of the salesmen. Do not hesitate to look at several brands.
  • Around 7 months of pregnancy, find out what you need to prepare for the arrival of your baby, for sleeping as well as for eating, washing, or walking: bouncers, bed linen, body thermometer or bath thermometer, games, bottles...
  • You can also look at the long term with items that will be useful later on, such as a playpen or a high chair.
  • Then, communicate it in a benevolent way to your relatives who will be able to choose according to their desires but also according to their budget.

The different fears related to childbirth


Bringing your first baby into the world is a unique moment. However, as birth approaches, certain fears may arise. Between excitement and apprehension, it's normal to develop anxieties related to childbirth. Generally, women are :

  • fear of not making it
  • fear of suffering
  • fear of contractions
  • fear of dying during childbirth
  • fear that the birth will be induced and therefore not natural
  • fear of tearing
  • fear of episiotomy

If, on the other hand, you are not afraid of childbirth at all, you are one of the lucky ones! In order for everything to go smoothly on the big day, the most important thing is to prepare yourself well and to play it down.

The different ways to prepare for childbirth


Your pregnancy is approaching the end of its term. You can prepare for delivery in a variety of ways. We give you some tips:

  • Try childbirth preparation classes.
  • Practice yoga to better manage your breathing and strengthen your body.
  • Try swimming to relax your body.
  • Take a relaxation class to help you relax.
  • Connect with your baby through haptonomy and give dad the opportunity to create a relationship with your unborn child.
  • Discover the benefits of homeopathy and deal with minor inconveniences gently.

The signs of childbirth


You're nearing the end of your pregnancy and you're wondering what the signs are that tell you that your baby has decided to come out?

  • The signs of pregnancy are that the contractions are becoming more and more rhythmic, intense, and long.
  • These contractions will progressively dilate the cervix of your uterus, which will open to allow the passage of your baby.
  • At the same time, the mucous plug that closes the opening of the cervix is expelled, a thick mucus sometimes tinged with blood.
  • If you suddenly find yourself flooded with a warm, colorless liquid, your water has broken. It's time to rush to the maternity ward.

Delivery: when to go to the maternity hospital?


The closer you get to giving birth, the more you wonder: what if I leave for the maternity hospital too late? To know if it's the right time, some clues can help you, so you don't give birth in your car...

  • Are your contractions regular and spaced out every 5 minutes?
  • Do they last longer than 30 seconds?
  • You took a bath but the contractions did not decrease?

Then it's time to go to the maternity ward, where the medical staff will be able to assess the progress of your labor and help you.