2 Apr 2024

Childbirth: fear of not making it

Childbirth: fear of not making it
As you approach the exciting moment of childbirth, it's natural to experience a range of emotions, including a fear of not making it through the process.
This fear is common and understandable, but it's important to remember that your body is designed for this incredible journey.
Let's explore some strategies to help you navigate the fear of not making it through childbirth and approach this transformative experience with confidence. 💪🤰
Educate Yourself and Seek Support 📚🤝
  1. Childbirth Education Classes: Consider attending childbirth education classes or workshops that provide comprehensive information about the birthing process. These classes can help you understand the different stages of labor, coping techniques, and medical interventions, empowering you with knowledge and confidence.
  2. Connect with Other Mothers: Seek support from other mothers who have been through childbirth. Sharing experiences, concerns, and fears can provide reassurance and valuable insights. Joining support groups or online communities can help you build a network of supportive individuals who understand and empathize with your journey.
  3. Build a Supportive Birth Team: Surround yourself with a supportive birth team, including your partner, a doula, or a trusted friend or family member. Having advocates who believe in your strength and provide continuous support can make a significant difference in managing fear and stress during labor.
Develop Coping Strategies and Techniques 🧘‍♀️💆‍♀️
  1. Breathing and Relaxation Techniques: Learn and practice breathing exercises and relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, visualization, or mindfulness meditation. These techniques can help you manage pain, reduce anxiety, and promote a sense of calm during labor.
  2. Movement and Positioning: Explore different labor positions that can enhance your comfort and help facilitate the progress of labor. Walking, swaying, using a birth ball, or trying positions like squatting or hands-and-knees can provide relief and optimize your body's natural birthing abilities.
  3. Create a Positive Birth Environment: Set the tone for your birthing experience by creating a supportive and calming environment. Consider dimming the lights, playing soothing music, and surrounding yourself with familiar objects that bring you comfort.
Trust in Your Body and Your Baby 🌟🤰
  1. Believe in Yourself: Remember that your body is designed for childbirth. Trust in its innate wisdom and your ability to birth your baby. Believe in your strength and the strength of generations of women who have gone through this transformative experience.
  2. Stay Present and Focused: During labor, focus on one contraction at a time and stay present in the moment. Avoid worrying about what lies ahead and instead direct your energy towards each stage of labor as it unfolds.
  3. Visualize a Positive Outcome: Use the power of visualization to imagine a positive birth experience. Create mental images of yourself confidently progressing through labor and successfully welcoming your baby into the world. Visualizing the outcome you desire can help alleviate fears and boost confidence.
Keep learning
26 Jan 2024

The fear and the guilt of carrying again after a miscarriage was terrible , but again after 2? I want this so badly but fear runs my day nonstop. My body has failed me twice, once only a month ago. Trying so hard to keep myself in a positive place. This pregnancy was not planned, I had stopped trying due to fear, and here we are again :/ I feel so horrible for not being over the moon with excitement

I felt your pain girl. When I had my first miscarriage I felt like I was going crazy, but god did it again. God let me have a rainbow baby. I just find out that I was 4 weeks pregnant lag week now I’m 5 weeks tell me if GOD is not GOOD. Im taking it one day at a time trying to stress because of what happened too me.
27 Mar 2024


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Danielle 🦦🪷
I get it. It’s a weird place to be in. I lost three in a row before I finally had a viable pregnancy. That whole pregnancy I was scared. Every cramp made me think something was going wrong. He came out so healthy tho. My baby after that I ended up spotting for 10 days and I couldn’t keep my composure. I really thought I was losing her. Thankfully she stuck around. You got this momma 🤍 call your OB and get bloodwork done to make sure your hcg is rising the way it should before they can get you in for your first appointment. I hope this baby sticks for you 🤍
27 Mar 2024


17 Oct 2023

I’m a first time mom who just turned 20 in august. I’m pretty scared of childbirth in general. And I’m always super anxious especially without my anxiety and depression medication. Does anyone have any suggestions for helping with this anxiety and fear?

Don't be scared everything will be a nice memory just enjoy your journey for you and ur baby I was ur age when I became a mommy for the first time and it's been amazing he's my best friend now
27 Mar 2024


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Excited Mommie 👧🏽🍼👶🏽🤗
6 May 2023

My biggest fear is not eating before I go into labor 😂 I want to be well feed and stuffed 🤣🤣

That and I try to poop often to prevent accident during pushing 😆 😂
27 Mar 2024


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That is legit 😂
27 Mar 2024


20 Jan 2023

Anyone have really high anxiety about giving birth? I’m a first time mom & the fear of the unknown is killing me & making me have panic attacks. 😩

Yes, girl same! Im a first time mom too & the thought of it has my anxiety through the roof! 😂
27 Mar 2024


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Highly recommend educating yourself about the processes of birth and how we are made to do it. The book “birth plan” is super helpful with coming up with a plan so you feel prepared and don’t go into it blindly. The worst thing we can do is not have a plan and be scared of it.
27 Mar 2024


17 Jan 2023

I really don’t like my doctor she never has the time of day for me or my baby girl… the only thing she has accomplished is making me fear I’m going to bleed to death in childbirth.. It kills me to think I’ll never hold my baby 😥🥺😞

Like me the Dr is nice but it's always something like to me.it like they wanna find something 🙄
27 Mar 2024


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12 Dec 2021

Anyone else have the fear of their baby being born early ? I can’t seem to knock these thoughts out my head but it’s really making me emotional 😕

Same. I just get so sad for him I just want him to be healthy im doing everything I can to make sure of that
27 Mar 2024


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