24 May 2022

Baby's sleep

A baby's sleep pattern evolves as months go by. There are a few things you should know, but keep in mind that each baby is unique, and it is important to respect their cycles and needs.

  • A baby sleeps according to their desires and needs. Infants do not differentiate day and night.
  • Their biological clock is not set like ours yet.
  • A newborn often sleeps in cycles of 2 to 4 hours.
  • They can sleep 20 hours out of 24.
  • At around 10 months, 90% of babies sleep through the night.
  • To promote good sleep, you can create a serene atmosphere and opt for dimmed lighting.
  • You can also co-sleep with your baby to develop a sense of security.
  • There are certain rules to follow when co-sleeping, so you don't put your baby at risk if you roll over on top of them or to avoid getting trapped under the comforter.
  • Swaddling can help babies feel secure by reminding them of life in the womb.
  • Create a ritual to give your baby reassuring habits.
  • Show your child that you are close by so that they can fall asleep peacefully without fear of abandonment.
  • Your baby may have night terrors and be very agitated. Pay attention to their sleep, but know that night terrors can be compared to sleepwalking and don't always require for your baby to be held.
  • Your baby will appreciate regular daytime naps, which are good for their physiological and neurological balance.
  • By napping, your baby also sleeps better at night.
  • Waking up at night is normal for babies; however, parents do not always need to intervene.
  • A 1-year-old baby will need fewer naps during the day, since they sleep longer at night.
  • Nightmares can occur after 18 months of age, but before that, they are simple nervous reactions.
  • As your child gets older, they will be tempted to stay awake to become independent and enjoy some freedom. It is important that you respect sleep patterns and the recommended hours of daily sleep, so your baby can recharge and develop well.

In this article

All about co-sleeping


Co-sleeping can be a great way to reassure your baby at night and enjoy more peaceful nights. Here are a few points on co-sleeping best practices:

  • Co-sleeping can be practiced from the first week of life.
  • You can co-sleep until the end of breastfeeding, but you should know that the more you get your baby used to co-sleep, the more your they will have difficulties sleeping alone in their room.
  • Co-sleeping is recommended to give your child a sense of security.
  • Closer to your child, it also saves you from having to get up to breastfeed.
  • Co-sleeping allows for a tight bond to be created and strengthened over time thanks to the proximity of the parents.

Baby's sleep according to age


How do sleep patterns evolve as a baby grows? Here are a few tips to help you better understand your little one's sleep, depending on age.

  • From birth to 6 weeks, there are no real rules: your baby alternates between being awake and sleeping, day and night.
  • By 6 to 8 weeks, most babies begin to sleep for short periods during the day and longer periods at night.
  • Between 4 and 6 months, most babies can sleep 8 to 12 hours a night.

The art of swaddling a baby


Swaddling is the art of wrapping a baby in a blanket to keep him warm and safe.

  • During the first few days of life, your baby's internal thermometer is not yet fully regulated, so it's important to keep him or her warm.
  • Swaddling has a calming effect on your little one because it reminds him of the inside of your belly, so he feels very comfortable!
  • There is a special technique for wrapping your baby that you can learn from your midwife.

The bedtime ritual to fight nightmares


For a young child, the transition from day to night can be a source of anxiety. By establishing a bedtime ritual, you can help him overcome their fears.

  • Nightmares are very common between the ages of 1 and 8 and are a natural part of a child's development.
  • Even so, these are difficult times for both you and your child.
  • To help your child calm down and fall asleep to soothing images, you can set up a bedtime ritual.
  • By repeating the same actions every night, you'll build your baby's confidence and limit the occurrence of nightmares and night terrors.