2 Apr 2024

A Mom's Guide to Understanding Hearing Changes During Pregnancy

A Mom's Guide to Understanding Hearing Changes During Pregnancy
Today, we're here to talk about an aspect that doesn't get as much attention: hearing changes during pregnancy.
We want to reassure you that most auditory issues you might face are temporary and manageable. Here's what you need to know:
Common Hearing Changes and Their Causes
  • Temporary Conditions: Many pregnant women experience auditory issues like tinnitus (ringing in the ears) or the feeling of a blocked ear. These conditions are usually reversible after childbirth.
  • Eustachian Tube Blockage: This is particularly common in the third trimester and leads to a sensation of ear fullness. It's a direct result of fluid retention and hormonal changes.
Effective Management and Treatment
  • Prompt Consultation: If you notice any hearing irregularities, consulting with a healthcare provider early can ensure quick and effective treatment, leading to a full recovery.
  • Safe Treatments: Treatments for sudden hearing loss or Eustachian tube blockage, such as microvascular therapy and nasal sprays, are safe during pregnancy and can provide significant relief.
Reassuring Facts About Fetal Hearing
  • No Risk to the Baby: Studies have shown that environmental noise during pregnancy doesn't harm the fetus's future hearing capabilities. Some research even suggests that moderate noise exposure could aid in auditory development.
Tips for Moms-to-Be
  • Stay Informed: Understanding that auditory changes during pregnancy are common and usually not a cause for concern can help you navigate this period with less anxiety.
  • Practice Self-Care: Engaging in relaxation techniques can be particularly helpful if you're experiencing increased sensitivity to noise (hyperacusis).
  • Consult Professionals: Always reach out to your healthcare provider with any concerns about hearing changes for personalized advice and treatment options.
We understand that every aspect of your health during pregnancy is paramount, not just for you but for your baby's well-being too.
Remember, experiencing changes in your hearing is a part of this incredible journey, and there's ample support and effective treatments available.
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5 Dec 2023

Has anyone been diagnosed with HBP and/or diabetes during pregnancy? This was my reality today and it made my appointment of seeing my baby & hearing the heartbeat just a bittersweet and sad day. So much information given to me, and so many appointments to make. I'm overwhelmed and just sad, but grateful we caught this early enough to plan.

I have HBP and advanced maternal age which then made me high risk for possibly having GDB, I had to do 2 1 hr and 2 3 hrs and then I finally passed the last one which made it so at least that wasn’t pinned against me anymore but still have HBP
27 Mar 2024


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Danielle 🦦🪷
I’m pretty sure they have you take baby asprin for hbp (could 100% be wrong). As for the diabetes I had GD with my last and I really had to watch my numbers and what I ate. I ended up on metformin and insulin tho. Couldn’t get my fasting number in check. I was able to control my food numbers tho. They’ll watch you extra close. Especially with both of those diagnosis’s. Diabetes they have to watch fetal growth and fluid levels. Numbers not controlled can lead to high amniotic fluid which isn’t good. Baby’s belly can grow too big from the sugar not being able to be processed. (There were other things that I blocked out once I was told cuz they scared me so I can’t remember exactly what else uncontrolled sugars can lead too).
27 Mar 2024


27 Nov 2023

I'm in my seventh month of my fourth pregnancy in the second month during my pregnancy my fiance was killed while I was on the phone with him. I've had quite a crazy journey during this pregnancy, hearing congratulations and I'm sorry for your loss in the same sentence, it took me a while to post on here but everytime I look at you alls different posts you all remind me of something we all have in common and that is being a soon to be mom. A lot of you may not see this but this is the most support that I've allowed be into my life for this entire time without him

oh my goodness hun. praying for you❤️ i know i don’t understand or know the half, but you are strong for making it this far. you got this love and your baby will be a wonderful blessing.
27 Mar 2024


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Thank you 🥹
27 Mar 2024


19 Jul 2023

The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth https://a.co/d/c1NUXyw So I saw a momma looking for a hook to read n I just though of sharing this book from Amazon that every mom who buy this love it .....

That's pretty good. I've followed her. She had 2 amazing birth stories and even shows her birth of her son while she was blogging. It was amazing. ❤️❤️
27 Mar 2024


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awwww I dint know nothing about it I actually look 4 it cause a person ask for a book n I notice every one like it
27 Mar 2024


29 Jul 2022

Hello everyone!! So I recently went to my 22 week ultrasound and I after I had a conversation with the doctor she informed me I should get vaccinated because there has been still births on the rise from moms to be getting illness during the pregnancy..now this is my first ever hearing this. What are your thoughts?

I'm NO WAY getting it! If Biden took 10 booster shots and he still got it lol shit doesn't work! Lol my opinion
27 Mar 2024


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We don't know the long term effects that crap has on us! An especially our children! No thanks! I got covid thought I was dying recovered just fine!
27 Mar 2024


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