9 Apr 2024

Do's & must-knows at 2 weeks of pregnancy

Do's & must-knows
Reduce stress and keep on track by following this pregnancy to-do checklist.
Steps to Take
1.Reduce Your Caffeine Intake
Start cutting down on caffeine to safe levels recommended for pregnant women to minimize risk to the baby.
2. Eat a Healthy, Balanced Diet
Prioritize a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to nourish both you and your developing baby.
What to Be Aware Of
1. Medication Safety
Before continuing or starting any new medications, have a discussion with your healthcare provider to ensure they are safe during pregnancy.
2. Exercise Guidelines
Consult with a healthcare provider about your current exercise regimen to confirm it's appropriate for pregnancy stages. Pay attention to your body's feedback, adjusting activity levels as necessary for comfort and safety.

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