9 Apr 2024

Do's & must-knows at 13 weeks of pregnancy

Do's & must-knows
Now that you've entered the second trimester, there's more you'll want to add to your pregnancy to-do list!
Steps to Take
1. Begin Thinking About Baby Names
Start compiling a list of baby names you like as an exciting part of preparing for your baby's arrival.
2. Start Sleeping on Your Side
To improve circulation and provide the best support for you and your baby, begin sleeping on your side, preferably the left side.
3. Research Pediatricians
Begin looking for a pediatrician for your baby, considering factors like location, philosophy, and reviews.
4. Consider Borrowing Maternity Clothing
To save on expenses, think about borrowing maternity clothes from friends or family.
What to Be Aware Of
Managing Heartburn
Eating smaller, more frequent meals can help reduce heartburn, a common issue during pregnancy, especially as your pregnancy progresses.

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