2 Apr 2024

Event-Welcome to Month 2

Welcome to Month 2
A time of rapid changes and exciting developments, at week 4, with significant milestones and the early signs of your growing baby.
Be prepared for month 2
Top Asked Questions
Will I start showing during the second month?

It's unlikely for first-time pregnancies to show much at this stage, but some may notice a slight change in their lower abdomen. This varies greatly from person to person.

What's the best way to deal with morning sickness?

Eating small, frequent meals and avoiding triggers like strong odors can help. Ginger and vitamin B6 supplements may also alleviate nausea, but consult your healthcare provider first.

Can I continue exercising?

Yes, moderate exercise is encouraged unless advised otherwise by your healthcare provider. Focus on low-impact activities like walking or prenatal yoga.

Should I be taking prenatal vitamins?

Most healthcare providers recommend starting prenatal vitamins that contain folic acid and iron to support the baby's development and maternal health.

Is it normal to feel so tired?

Yes, increased fatigue is normal due to hormonal changes. Prioritize rest, maintain a healthy diet, and stay hydrated to help manage tiredness.

Midwife for 8+ years

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