2 Apr 2024

From Embryo to Fetus

From Embryo to Fetus
In this initial phase, your little one is considered an embryo. This isn't just a cutesy term; it's a scientific distinction. So, what's happening during these formative weeks?
  • Weeks 1-2: Technically, you're not pregnant just yet. Your body is prepping the uterine lining for potential baby-making.
  • Weeks 3-4: Congratulations, fertilization has occurred! Your baby is now a zygote and soon becomes a blastocyst as it implants itself into your uterus.
  • Weeks 5-8: Now we're talking organogenesis, or the formation of organs. Your embryo is going through crazy-fast changes.
This is the time when the neural tube forms (hello, future brain and spinal cord!) as well as the heart and circulatory system. It's all complex but incredibly fascinating!
Crossing the Bridge: Transition from Embryo to Fetus
Here comes the next exciting phase: Week 9 marks the transition from an embryo to a fetus.
Why the new name?
Well, this is no minor upgrade—it's more like going from a basic flip phone to the latest smartphone.
  • Morphological Changes: Say goodbye to the tail-like structure your embryo had. Your fetus now starts to look more human.
  • Physiological Changes: Vital systems like the central nervous system, digestive system, and muscular system become more developed.
  • Biochemical Changes: Your fetus starts producing its own hormones. Yes, it's already getting ready to boss you around in its own tiny ways.
The placenta is now fully operational, providing all the necessary nutrients and oxygen to your growing baby. And get this—by the end of the first trimester, your little one has distinct human features, complete with tiny hands and feet!
What's Up in the Fetal Stage? Weeks 10 to Birth
Alright, you've got a fetus on your hands!
This period is all about growth and maturity. You're going to see some major action in the coming weeks.
  • Weeks 10-14: Mini milestones! Your baby can now make facial expressions and even suck its thumb. How adorable is that?
  • Weeks 15-26: Now we're in the second trimester, and things are ramping up. Hair starts to grow, and the skeletal system is hardening from cartilage to bone.
  • Weeks 27-Birth: You're in the home stretch! This is when the lungs mature, and your baby starts practicing how to breathe.
By the end of this stage, your tiny human is well-equipped for the outside world. Those kicks you're feeling? That's your baby saying, "Hey, Mom, I'm getting ready to meet you!"
Milestones: What to Look Out For
There's a multitude of amazing developments that you can look forward to during your pregnancy. These are not just textbook facts; they're real-life miracles happening inside you.
  • Hearing Your Voice: Around week 25, your baby's auditory system is developed enough to hear you. So go ahead, read them a bedtime story!
  • Seeing Light: By week 28, your baby can perceive light and dark. Shine a flashlight on your belly and see if your baby responds.
  • Movement: You should start feeling your baby move between weeks 18-25. At first, it might feel like gas, but soon you'll be able to tell it's a small kick or nudge.
Your baby's journey from an embryo to a fetus is nothing short of magical.
And the best part?
You get to experience it all from the front row. So embrace this incredible ride; it's one you'll cherish forever!
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8 Apr 2023

Good morning! Im new in this app, but my story is I have three almost adult children 19,18,17, i divorced their father thinking i didnt want anymore kids because whoever loved me will love my three children. Well God brought me an amazing man w no children who raised my three like his own for bow 13 years. We want to have a baby. So we started IVF in 2021, got egg retrieval on 4/12/2021 and we were able to get 14 fertilized eggs and 11 made it to blastocyst. We did our first frozen embryo transfer 5/10/2021 i have one embryo and got my first positive, pregnancy ended at 6wks and 3 days. No answer to the loss! The. We transferred again 7/6/2021 and my two embryos didn’t stick. Then 8/16/2021 got another transfer (2 embryos) and once again didn’t work. So, it hit me and I needed a break mentally and physically to grief the losses. Then January 2022 we decided to try again and got our frozen embryo transfer (1 embryo) on 1/7/2022 and got pregnant, but again pregnancy ended at 7 weeks. Then we took another break and on July 16 we got another frozen embryo transfer and we got further in the pregnancy, we even got a heartbeat of 146. But sadly on week 10 baby’s heart stopped. Again testing, and pathology testing showed bo issues w me or the baby. It was just not meant to be. Well we took another break, and March 30, 2023 doctors changed the medication protocol and we decided two transfer 2 embryos and he we are today 4/8 with another positive home pregnancy test waiting for first Beta monday 4/10. Please pray for us, so this is our rainbow baby!!!! From 11 frozen embryo I only have 2 left, but hopefully this is it!!!!! 💕💕💕🙏🙏

Praying 🙏🏾 God allow this pregnancy to go all the way
27 Mar 2024


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17 Nov 2021

Found out today that we officially have a tubal pregnancy and have to have surgery tomorrow to remove the embryo from my left tube. We have been trying for over 10 years and this was our first pregnancy ever! We are so sad to see it end at 8 weeks but are so happy to see that we can naturally conceive a baby and look forward to trying again in the next few months.

Sending the prayer angels by your side. Your amazing and GOD has so much more planned for you. Safe and speedy recovery. Your going to conceive again. Have a blessed day beautiful.
27 Mar 2024


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