2 Apr 2024

Your Baby’s Blood Cells: In Formation!

Your Baby's Blood Cells in Formation!
Your body is working around the clock to nurture a brand-new life, and it's not just the heart and brain that are starting to form; your baby's blood cells are also taking the stage!
This process, scientifically known as hematopoiesis, is an intricate dance of cell division and specialization. During the early weeks of pregnancy, the yolk sac is the first to take up the role of blood cell production. However, by the end of the first trimester, the liver and spleen will have joined the party.
  • Weeks 1-8: The yolk sac handles it all
  • Weeks 9-12: Liver and spleen chip in
  • Second Trimester Onwards: The bone marrow takes the lead 🌟
So, the setting changes, but the goal remains the same: to create a robust system of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets that will sustain your baby throughout life.
Types of Blood Cells and Their Roles
Get ready to meet the three musketeers of the blood cell world! Your baby's body is busy creating red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and platelets, each with a unique job description.
Red blood cells are the body's little oxygen trucks.
They scuttle back and forth between the lungs and the rest of the body, delivering precious oxygen.
White blood cells, the immune system's soldiers, are on a constant lookout for foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses. And let's not forget platelets, the healers, that help in blood clotting whenever there's an injury.
  • Red Blood Cells (RBCs): Oxygen transport 🚚
  • White Blood Cells (WBCs): Immune defense 🛡️
  • Platelets: Healing and clotting 🩹
Now, imagine all these cells working in harmony, ensuring your baby grows in a healthy and robust manner. It's truly a marvel of nature and science!
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The Power of Stem Cells: A Journey of Differentiation
Have you ever wondered where all these specialized cells come from?
The answer lies in the astonishing capabilities of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs).
These are the magical seeds that can become any type of blood cell the body needs.
During pregnancy, these stem cells undergo a process known as differentiation, deciding their ultimate fate, whether to become an RBC, WBC, or platelet.
  • Multipotent: Stem cells can become multiple types of cells
  • Differentiation: Process by which stem cells specialize 🎓
  • Hematopoiesis: The entire journey from stem cell to specialized blood cell 🛤️
Remember, while it may seem like you're just along for the ride, your health and well-being directly influence this cellular marvel.
Eating well, staying active, and regular prenatal check-ups are vital to supporting this phenomenal process. So take a moment to marvel at the wonders happening inside you, as your body orchestrates a masterpiece of life. 🌱💖
💙Tommy Boy's Mommy💙
20 May 2023

Saw this on Facebook... This Blew Up My Mind “When pregnant, the cells of the baby migrate into the mothers bloodstream and then circle back into the baby, it’s called “fetal-maternal microchimerism”.⁠ For 41 weeks, the cells circulate and merge backwards and forwards, and after the baby is born, many of these cells stay in the mother’s body, leaving a permanent imprint in the mothers tissues, bones, brain, and skin, and often stay there for decades. Every single child a mother has afterwards will leave a similar imprint on her body, too. Even if a pregnancy doesn't go to full term or if you have an abortion, these cells still migrate into your bloodstream. Research has shown that if a mother's heart is injured, fetal cells will rush to the site of the injury and change into different types of cells that specialize in mending the heart. The baby helps repair the mother, while the mother builds the baby. How cool is that? This is often why certain illnesses vanish while pregnant. It’s incredible how mothers bodies protect the baby at all costs, and the baby protects & rebuilds the mother back - so that the baby can develop safely and survive. Think about crazy cravings for a moment. What was the mother deficient in that the baby made them crave? Studies have also shown cells from a fetus in a mothers brain 18 years after she gave birth. How amazing is that?” If you’re a mom you know how you can intuitively feel your child even when they are not there….Well, now there is scientific proof that moms carry them for years and years even after they have given birth to them. I find this to be so very beautiful.

Tiffany Lissor
Theres been times i legit feel a baby move inside and certainly not pregnant anymore lol. Even 2 years after having my previous children i still felt it. Its intense the first time i was like what the f! I researched it and found similar information.
27 Mar 2024


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💙Tommy Boy's Mommy💙
yeah they're called phantom kicks I've been getting them too so weird
27 Mar 2024


20 May 2023

By: This Blew Up My Mind “When pregnant, the cells of the baby migrate into the mothers bloodstream and then circle back into the baby, it’s called “fetal-maternal microchimerism”.⁠ For 41 weeks, the cells circulate and merge backwards and forwards, and after the baby is born, many of these cells stay in the mother’s body, leaving a permanent imprint in the mothers tissues, bones, brain, and skin, and often stay there for decades. Every single child a mother has afterwards will leave a similar imprint on her body, too. Even if a pregnancy doesn't go to full term or if you have an abortion, these cells still migrate into your bloodstream. Research has shown that if a mother's heart is injured, fetal cells will rush to the site of the injury and change into different types of cells that specialize in mending the heart. The baby helps repair the mother, while the mother builds the baby. How cool is that? This is often why certain illnesses vanish while pregnant. It’s incredible how mothers bodies protect the baby at all costs, and the baby protects & rebuilds the mother back - so that the baby can develop safely and survive. Think about crazy cravings for a moment. What was the mother deficient in that the baby made them crave? Studies have also shown cells from a fetus in a mothers brain 18 years after she gave birth. How amazing is that?” If you’re a mom you know how you can intuitively feel your child even when they are not there….Well, now there is scientific proof that moms carry them for years and years even after they have given birth to them. I find this to be so very beautiful.

Yesh seen a video on this last month. ❤️
27 Mar 2024


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I really loved reading this and it resonates ❤️
27 Mar 2024


14 Apr 2023

If you have Any pregnancy pains or bad news from doctors go lay in the grass it a help you and you baby rebuild red blood cells.


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