2 Apr 2024

Perineal Massage: Techniques and Benefits

Perineal Massage: Preparing for a Smooth Delivery 🌸
Ever wondered about perineal massage? Let's dive in!
Perineal Anatomy: Your perineum is the tissue between your vaginal opening and anus, connected to vital pelvic floor muscles supporting your reproductive organs, bowels, and bladder.
Perineal massage involves gently stretching and manipulating this tissue using fingers. Its purpose? To ready the area for the stretching needed during vaginal delivery. You can do this solo or with your partner's assistance.
Unveiling the Perks of Perineal Massage
Somewhere between 40% and 80% of women experience tearing during vaginal birth, and around two-thirds of those tears require stitches. Damage to the perineum can lead to issues like urinary incontinence, uterine prolapse, or discomfort.
Perineal massage offers several benefits:
  1. Tissue Preparation: Massage enhances blood flow, helping tissues stretch with greater ease and less pain during childbirth.
  2. Tearing Risk Reduction: Regular perineal massage can reduce tearing, and some women avoid episiotomies or significant tears.
  3. Stitch Reduction: Even if tearing occurs, massage can lessen the severity, potentially decreasing the need for stitches.
  4. Scar Tissue Help: For those with prior injuries or rigid perineums, massage is particularly useful.
  5. Birth Preparation: By focusing on the area most affected during delivery, perineal massage helps you relax and become familiar with sensations.
Intriguingly, recent studies suggest massage during labor's second stage reduces the risk of severe tears.
When to Start Perineal Massage in Pregnancy 🌺
Experts suggest beginning between weeks 34 and 36, performing massage once or twice a week. Frequency may vary, so consider consulting your healthcare provider for personalized advice.
Remember, only 5 minutes per session can yield benefits. Feel free to inquire with your doctor or midwife about optimal timing.
Oil Selection for Perineal Massage 🌷
You have options! Natural oils such as organic sunflower, coconut, almond, or olive oil are popular choices. Personal lubricants, like K-Y Jelly, are also effective. Avoid synthetic options like baby oil or petroleum jelly.
Step-by-Step Guide for a Blissful Massage 🌼
Step 1: Wash your hands and trim your nails.
Step 2: Find a comfy spot, like your bed or sofa, with privacy. You can also consider the bath, shower, or toilet.
Step 3: Begin the massage by applying oil to your clean hands. Gently insert one or both thumbs about 1 to 1 1/2 inches inside your vagina. Move your thumbs along the back wall toward your anus, feeling a stretching sensation without overdoing it.
Step 4: Maintain this stretched position for 1 to 2 minutes.
Step 5: Use a slow U-shaped motion to move your thumbs outward and inward. Aim to feel the sensation on both the inside and outside of the perineum.
Step 6: Relax your body and mind. The massage shouldn't exceed 5 minutes.
Partner Participation 💑
If preferred, your partner can assist using index fingers instead of thumbs. Communication is key to adjusting pressure based on your comfort.
Remember to reach out to your healthcare provider if you experience discomfort beyond normal stretching sensations, or if you have vaginal infections.
Summing it Up 🌟
Perineal massage can be an empowering addition to your pregnancy journey. While it doesn't eliminate the chance of tearing, it helps you familiarize yourself with sensations, offering potential relief during labor and delivery. Happy massaging! 🌈
31 Mar 2023

Who’s doing Perineal massages??? What are thoughts on this??? Is sex enough 🤭☹️😣😣😒😒Who purchased a wand ???? #perinealmassage #wand #strechitout #getthatthangready

Now what is that 🤣
27 Mar 2024


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Danielle 🦦🪷
You can also have your partner do it for you with some lube
27 Mar 2024


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