12 Mar 2024

How much pay during parental leave?

If you want to take parental leave and are wondering about your pay during this period, here's what you need to know:

  • During parental leave, your employer does not have to pay you any salary, except for certain provisions of the agreement.
  • Rest assured, you are entitled to financial assistance from your Caisse d'Allocations Familiales: the shared child-rearing benefit (PreParE).
  • The amount of this benefit varies according to the type of parental leave (part-time, full-time or half-time) and the number of dependent children.
  • You will also receive a basic allowance for each dependent child under the age of 3.

21 Dec 2022

Anyone not returning to work? I always had a career and I cried all day yesterday because I cannot imagine returning to work. My husband can afford it 100%. I just cannot imagine not having my own income. I just can’t fathom not being with my baby for every milestone. Plus there is no family near by and my salary would leave us with about $20,000 after we got in home childcare. It just doesn’t feel worth it.

I’m 100% staying home once we have the baby! Fortunately my husband can also afford it all on his own and we don’t see the point in putting our baby in daycare either! I think it’s the best decision for us and for the baby 🤍
21 Dec 2022


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Thank you. How far along when you decided? When do you plan on telling employer?
21 Dec 2022
