2 Apr 2024

Taking Your Baby's Temperature: The Basics

Taking Your Baby's Temperature: The Basics
Knowing how to accurately take your baby's temperature is a vital skill for new parents to ensure their child's well-being.
What You Should Know
For newborns and young infants, core body temperature is a crucial indicator of health. A normal temperature range varies slightly depending on the method used, typically between 97°F (36.1°C) and 100.3°F (37.9°C).
Rectal thermometers are generally considered the most accurate for babies under three months. However, other methods like axillary (underarm) or temporal artery (forehead) thermometers are also popular.
Safety Guideline
  • Choose the Right Thermometer: For infants, rectal thermometers are recommended for accuracy, but if you're uncomfortable, an axillary or temporal thermometer can be used.
  • Be Gentle: If using a rectal thermometer, apply a small amount of lubricant on the tip. Insert only about ½ to 1 inch (1.25 to 2.5 cm) into the baby’s rectum.
  • Cleanliness is Key: Always clean the thermometer before and after each use, following the manufacturer's instructions.
Simple Tips and Tricks
Using a Rectal Thermometer
  1. Lubricate the Tip: Use a water-based lubricant for comfort.
  2. Position Your Baby: Lay your baby on their back and lift their legs, as if changing a diaper.
  3. Insert the Thermometer: Gently insert the thermometer into the rectum, no more than 1 inch.
  4. Wait for the Beep: Hold the thermometer in place until it signals that the reading is complete.
  5. Read and Record: Note the temperature and time taken.
Using an Axillary Thermometer
  1. Position the Thermometer: Place the thermometer tip in the center of the baby's armpit.
  2. Hold Arm Down: Gently press your baby's arm against their body to secure the thermometer in place.
  3. Wait and Read: As with the rectal method, wait for the signal and then record the temperature.
Q: What temperature is considered a fever in a newborn? A: A rectal temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher is considered a fever in a newborn.
Q: How often should I take my baby’s temperature? A: Regularly if they show signs of illness or discomfort. For routine checks, once a day is sufficient.
Q: Is it safe to use a mercury thermometer? A: No, mercury thermometers are not recommended due to the risk of breakage and mercury exposure. Digital thermometers are safer and more accurate.
Q: Can I use an ear thermometer for my newborn? A: Ear thermometers are not recommended for newborns due to their small ear canals. Rectal, axillary, or temporal artery thermometers are better options.
Q: What should I do if my baby has a high fever? A: For a newborn or infant with a high fever, contact your pediatrician immediately. They can provide guidance on the next steps to take.
Learn more
17 Jun 2023

My baby always feels warm is that normal I took her temperature it’s normal but I try to keep the house cool because she’s always hot to me

It's normal, kids often feel warmer than adults.
27 Mar 2024


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This is crazy newborns give me anxiety
27 Mar 2024


2 Jun 2023

I took my baby’s temperature because she felt warm. I did it rectally and it was 99. Is that bad or normal?

Any fever under 3 months old , they need to be checked out , if it gets to 100.4 baby should be seen at an urgent care or ER
27 Mar 2024


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22 May 2023

Baby over his curve hopefully he can maintain his temperature and keep his milk down


6 May 2023

🚨PLEASE HELP🚨 ADVICE NEEDED!!!!!! so our AC just went out and the temperature is reading 80° in here. I have my baby boy (4 months old) in just a diaper and we have a fan, but I’m wondering is the temperature too hot? I’m praying it’ll get fixed tomorrow! Has anyone gone through this?

I have during hurricane season. A diaper and fan should be fine... might want to prop open a window just to get that cool freeze circulating
27 Mar 2024


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thank you sm!! to bad its literally 90° we’re i’m at rn😭💓
27 Mar 2024


Keke 💕
23 Nov 2022

Is a rectal temperature of 98.8 considered a fever or low grade for a 2 month old baby

Keke 💕
Thanks it’s just she’s so sick I’m starting to get sick her brother sick and her dad starting to get sick all this happening at once she losing her appetite and all 😞
27 Mar 2024


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17 Nov 2022

Anybody else baby body temperature gets hot ??? She doesn't have a fever her doctor said it's normal but shit how normal can it be and how long it's gone last I don't like that my baby body gets super hot fast ASF make me feel like something is wrong with her but her head temperature is perfect!

I know Exactly what you're talking about. I will feel my kid's skin Like for example when they're sleeping and they're super hot to the touch.... But yet their internal temperature is fine. It's a very odd thing for sure.❤️
27 Mar 2024


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I'm glad someone else no what I'm talking about cause I cried like idk if it's something wrong with my baby she barley's eat literally she stayed the same pounds forever idk what's going on and her doctor just keep on brushing it off like dude check my baby please I'm scared ASF crying asking my self and God why is my baby body so hot why won't she eat?🥺 So I got her blood drawn couples days ago so we gone see what the test results says and I'm thinking about changing her doctor cause my baby didn't get her blood drawn at 1 when she was suppose to and nobody told me that untill I asked for her blood to be drawn!
27 Mar 2024


11 Nov 2022

Well the babies are doing great, still in NICU , but no O2 , taking all their bottles , next to wing them off the issolet warmer and see if they can hold their own temperature 🤒. We can’t wait until they can come home .


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