2 Apr 2024

How to Recognize Signs of Illness in Your Newborn?

Recognizing Signs of Illness in Your Newborn
Welcoming your newborn home is an exhilarating experience, but it can also introduce anxieties, particularly regarding your infant's health.
Understanding how to spot signs of illness is crucial for early intervention.
Key Symptoms to Watch For
Stay vigilant for any changes in your newborn's appearance or behavior, and contact your healthcare provider if you notice any of the following:
  • Symptoms of Illness: Look out for increased fussiness, coughing, diarrhea, or vomiting. Immediate medical attention is critical if the vomit is green (bile).
  • Feeding Changes: It's concerning if your newborn is disinterested in feeding or consumes significantly less than usual, especially if they refuse both bottle and breast feeds.
  • Fever: A fever above 100.4 F (38 C) requires a doctor's assessment.
  • Low Temperature: A temperature drop below 96.8 F (36 C) is a red flag.
  • Changes in Cry: An unusually weak, strange, or relentless cry needs attention.
  • Feeding Difficulties: Trouble with sucking or maintaining suction.
  • Sweating During Feeds: If your baby sweats while feeding.
  • Unusual Sleepiness: Excessive drowsiness, making it necessary to awaken them for feeds.
  • Decreased Muscle Tone: Noticeably limp limbs or reduced muscle activity.
  • Respiratory Issues: Rapid breathing (over 60 breaths per minute), difficulty breathing, or unusual noises like grunting.
  • Dehydration Signs: Infrequent urination or a dry mouth.
  • Skin Color Changes: Pale, grayish, or bluish discoloration, especially if jaundice develops within 24 hours or worsens.
Conditions to Be Aware Of
Some conditions are more common in the early weeks:
  • Abdominal Distension: Swelling or hardness could indicate digestive problems.
  • Cyanosis: Persistent blueness, not related to cold, may signal oxygenation issues.
  • Feeding-Related Coughing: Consistent coughing or gagging during feeds could indicate underlying health concerns.
  • Excessive Crying: Continuous or unexplainable crying may point to discomfort or illness.
  • Jaundice: Monitor the progression of any yellowish skin tint due to bilirubin accumulation.
  • Respiratory Distress: Rapid breathing, nostril flaring, or a prolonged blue tint require urgent care.
When to Seek Medical Advice
Never hesitate to reach out to your newborn's doctor with any health concerns.
Whether it's about illness symptoms, feeding issues, or unusual crying, your inquiries are essential for your baby's health.
Important Reminder
Feeling overwhelmed is natural, but it's crucial to handle your frustrations calmly.
Never shake your baby, as it can cause irreversible harm or even be fatal.
By recognizing the signs of potential health issues and understanding when to seek help, you can ensure your newborn receives the care they need during these critical early days.
Julia Aoun
Keisha "Da Pregnant"
4 Aug 2022

A newborn baby should not have a hat on or swaddle. Why? Because it blocks the important natural pheromones that a mother needs to smell to bond with baby. ✨Mothers and babies are wired by nature to recognize each other’s smell. It’s mammalian .. ⭐️Your baby can recognize you on scent alone, and you can recognize your newborn on scent alone. You were meant for this moment. ⭐️Choose to be skin-to-skin with your baby, with no hat between you. ⭐️You want to smell your baby and create that beautiful oxytocin to help with bonding. ⭐️ It can also help to get your breastfeeding journey started Strong

Shay 💝
I never knew this ! But I always took those hats off. Thank you for this info 👏🏽
27 Mar 2024


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Yyyeeesss 🙌🏾 I don’t care for the hats n swaddle only night to help sleep
27 Mar 2024


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