2 Apr 2024

Surprising Facts About Siblings

Surprising Facts About Siblings
While birth order might not have the personality-determining impact it was once believed to have, there is fascinating research on brothers and sisters that offers valuable insights into their interactions.
Siblings Spend Significant Time Together
Studies show that children with siblings spend a considerable amount of their free time together.
By the age of 11, siblings have already spent around 33 percent of their free time with each other.
Even as they grow older and develop individual interests, they still devote at least 10 hours a week to their brothers and sisters.
Siblings Influence Each Other More Than Parents
Siblings have a remarkable influence on each other's outlook, personalities, and behavior, even more so than parents.
Research indicates that around 80 percent of our lives are spent with our siblings, leading to potential benefits such as reduced depression, increased life satisfaction, and improved self-esteem.
Similar Looks, Different Personalities
Although siblings share the same parents and upbringing, they often have diverse personalities.
The reasons for this phenomenon aren't entirely clear, but it's suggested that siblings may strive to differentiate themselves from each other.
Older Siblings Might Be Smarter
While the significance is debatable, there seems to be a slight difference in intelligence between older and younger siblings. One theory suggests that older siblings may teach their younger siblings, reinforcing their understanding of concepts.
Additionally, firstborns might have an advantage due to more parental attention and enrichment opportunities before other siblings arrive.
Younger Siblings are More Risk-Taking and Outgoing
Research suggests that younger siblings tend to be more extroverted and less risk-averse.
Some believe this could be because they have to assert themselves and take risks to get attention, especially in larger families.
Fewer Allergies for Younger Siblings
Younger siblings may be less likely to develop allergies and eczema compared to their older siblings.
This could be attributed to the presence of more germs in the household environment, which may help build a stronger immune system.
Siblings Help Each Other Stay Fit
Having more siblings can positively impact physical health.
One study found that the risk of obesity decreases by 14 percent for every additional sibling, especially among daughters. Siblings may encourage each other to stay physically active.
More Siblings, Lower Divorce Rates
Surprisingly, the number of siblings a person has can influence their likelihood of divorce as an adult.
For each additional sibling, the odds of divorce decrease by 2 percent.
Having more siblings may provide valuable experience in dealing with others, potentially benefiting marital relationships.
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Sam Chance
8 Jul 2023

y’all my siblings talk to my husband way more than they talk to me. like they all text him and talk to him when we are all together and don’t text me back or just are super vague w me. it makes me sad. my husband is an amazing guy so it’s not surprising that they like him but it makes me sad that they don’t want to talk to me the way they talk to him. and i feel it even more now that i’m pregnant bc this is super lonely. and none of them know really anything about me. and i’m trying my best. idk i’m just a little sad.

I’d tell them ab it or bring it up to my husband cause that is messed up
27 Mar 2024


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Sam Chance
i’ve talked to my husband and he feels bad. he just is being normal and they just all want to talk to him. i’m not upset with him. if i brought it up they most likely wouldn’t change a thing. i’m the 6th of 8 kids so i just kinda get looked over
27 Mar 2024


20 Nov 2022

My brother, my moms oldest sister and my sister in law. They made my day surprising me

Deuce Mom♒️
You look so beautiful I’m glad it was a success !!!😍😍😍
27 Mar 2024


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Thank u bookie
27 Mar 2024
