12 Mar 2024

Placental expulsion after childbirth

If you're wondering what will happen to your placenta after your baby is born, we'll tell you.

  • Your baby is born, but it's not over yet—the placenta must now be expelled from your body.
  • The term “afterbirth” refers to the expulsion of the placenta, which takes about 20 minutes.
  • It is normal to lose blood during this process.
  • This stage takes place under the supervision of medical staff to avoid any complications.
𝒜𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝐿𝑒𝑒
21 Oct 2023

It’s been a few days since I’ve been on. I was supposed to be induced on Tuesday morning but woke up that morning in full blown labor. I was admitted into the hospital with no need for the pitocin but I had undetected placental abruption and began hemorrhaging before she was born. My daughter basically drowned in my blood on her way out and has possible brain damage from lack of oxygen. She also has a collapsed lung from resuscitation by the med staff and them trying to clean the blood from her airways. I vomited all over myself & passed out several times and needed an emergency blood transfusion. On top of being in the most excruciating pain I have ever endured in all my life. My daughter had to stay the entire time in NICU & I am now having trouble with my milk supply and her latch from nipple confusion due to being given pacifiers and milk bottles. So it has been a hectic, emotional, painful, terrifying whirlwind of an adventure bringing this little one earthside and into my arms… but it has also been a beautiful, miraculous, joyful & life changing experience as well. Without further ado, I’d like to introduce to y’all: Miss Lydia Mae Johnson Born: October 17th 2023 pm weighing 6lbs15oz and being 19.5 inches in length 🖤

Omg my daughter came out October 17th at 3:24 pm
21 Oct 2023


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OMG! Girl you’ve definitely been through a lot and I cant even imagine how scary all that was for you. I’m so glad you and your baby are ok 🙏 she is beautiful 💕💕
21 Oct 2023


4 Oct 2022

Petite question .. Le corps repart dans un nouveau cycle après une fausse couche au moment de l’expulsion de l’embryon ou alors après un curetage s’il restait des résidus placentaires ? Parce que perso entre le moment de l’expulsion et de mon curetage il y’a eut 1 mois.. et maintenant ça fait 2 semaines depuis mon curetage. Donc je ne sais pas trop comment me repérer ..

Perso moi j’ai démarré un nouveau cycle au moment des premiers saignements car j’ai ovulé 3 jours après mon curetage
4 Oct 2022


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Merci pour ta réponse ! Tu avais des saignements après ton curetage ? Parce que du coup je pensais que si j’ai des saignements je ne peux pas ovuler ..
4 Oct 2022
