2 Apr 2024

How to Overcome Sexual Pain?

Overcoming Sexual Pain During Pregnancy
Camille Bataillon
One aspect that can significantly vary for pregnant individuals is their experience of sexual intimacy.
While some may find heightened sensitivity and better orgasms, others may encounter discomfort during intercourse.
In this article, we explore five reasons you might experience discomfort during pregnancy sex and offer tips to address these concerns.
What You Should Know
Pregnancy can bring about changes in your sexual experience, making it essential to understand the reasons behind any discomfort.
Pain is a signal from your body, and it's important to listen to it in order to reduce and eventually stop the pain.
Painful Sex During Pregnancy
Your Body Is Changing
Pregnancy isn't just about a growing belly.
It can also lead to tender nipples, swollen legs, an inflamed uterus, and other normal but uncomfortable symptoms that affect your sexual experience.
To alleviate discomfort, communication is key. Discuss with your partner to find positions that minimize pressure on your stomach, such as side-lying positions.
Your Blood Flow Has Changed
Increased blood flow to support your growing uterus, fetus, and placenta can cause vaginal swelling.
While this may enhance sexual pleasure for some, it can lead to discomfort for others.
Pressure on the vascular system can also result in vulvar varicosities or vaginal varicose veins. Fortunately, this discomfort typically resolves a few weeks after delivery.
Your Vagina Is Dry
Vaginal dryness is relatively rare during pregnancy but can cause discomfort during intercourse.
Lower estrogen levels may contribute to this dryness.
Factors like dehydration, certain medications, and specific health conditions can also play a role.
To address vaginal dryness, consider using a water-based lubricant and consult your healthcare provider to explore potential causes.
You May Be Feeling Tense
Stress during pregnancy can make you feel unsure about having sex or feel pressured to do so, causing your body to tense up.
This tension can lead to hypertonicity in your perineum, resulting in painful sex or even vaginismus.
You Have an Infection
Painful sex during pregnancy can sometimes indicate vaginal infections like cervicitis, vaginitis, chorioamnionitis, or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
These conditions may require medical attention and treatment.
Since some infections can harm the fetus, it's essential to consult your healthcare provider if you experience symptoms like pain or discomfort during sex.
You Have an STI
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can also lead to painful sex during pregnancy.
STIs may present additional symptoms like genital sores or painful urination.
Some STIs can potentially impact the fetus, making early testing and treatment crucial.
To reduce the risk of transmission during pregnancy, the CDC recommends the use of latex condoms during intercourse.
Sexual Pain and Your Emotional Well-being
Sexual pain during pregnancy can significantly impact your emotional well-being and your overall experience of sexuality.
It may prevent you from fully embracing your sexuality at a time when self-care and connection are needed. Your emotions and feelings are entirely valid, and it's essential to address both the physical and emotional aspects of sexual discomfort during pregnancy.
Open communication with your partner and healthcare provider can help you navigate these challenges and ensure a healthy and enjoyable pregnancy journey.
Safety Guideline
Pain can be a warning sign of various factors.
It's important not to hesitate to discuss these issues and seek help from healthcare professionals, including midwives, sex therapists, physiotherapists, or gynecologists.
They can provide guidance and ensure your well-being.
In conclusion, discomfort during pregnancy sex is not uncommon, and it's essential to address it openly and seek professional advice when needed.
The good news is that it can be treated effectively when properly addressed.
Remember that pregnancy brings unique changes to your body and intimate life, and your well-being is a top priority.
Communication with your partner and healthcare provider can help you navigate these challenges and ensure a healthy and enjoyable pregnancy journey.
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