2 Apr 2024

My libido has decreased due to nausea

Libido and nausea: how to manage?
Camille Bataillon
Pregnancy often brings with it a rollercoaster of physical and emotional changes, with nausea and a decrease in libido being common experiences for many.
While these changes can impact your daily life and intimate relationship, there are practical and concrete steps you can take to manage these challenges effectively.
What You Should Know
It's normal to experience waves of nausea and a fluctuating libido during pregnancy, largely due to hormonal changes and physical discomfort.
It's completely understandable that nobody wants to engage in sexual activity during a gastrointestinal illness. Well, it’s the same with nausea.
The desire for sex is often linked to feeling physically and emotionally well.
These experiences vary widely among individuals but are typically most intense during the first trimester, except for those suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum.
Understanding that this is a normal part of pregnancy can help you and your partner navigate these changes with empathy and patience.
Safety Guideline
Before implementing any new strategy to manage nausea or changes in libido, it's crucial to consult with your healthcare provider.
They can offer guidance tailored to your specific health needs and pregnancy journey, ensuring that any approach you take is safe for both you and your baby.
Simple Tips and Tricks
For Managing Nausea:
  • Ginger: Incorporate ginger into your diet through teas, candies, or ginger ale to help soothe your stomach.
  • Frequent, Small Meals: Eating small, frequent meals throughout the day can help keep nausea at bay. Avoid long periods without food.
  • Stay Hydrated: Sip on water throughout the day. Adding a slice of lemon or cucumber can make it more appealing if you're experiencing taste sensitivities.
  • Avoid Triggers: Take note of any smells, tastes, or environments that trigger your nausea and try to avoid them.
  • Some medications might be helpful. Consult your doctor for advice
For Navigating Changes in Libido:
  • Have time for yourself : Many women don't prioritize self-care and may feel depleted, lacking the energy to invest in their partners. It's crucial to take time to rest, heal, engage in activities you enjoy, and prioritize your well-being.
  • Create a solo sensual moment: To foster a desire for sex, focus on positive thoughts. Consider your likes and dislikes, explore what arouses you, and seek supportive resources to enhance your experience.
  • Feeling good in your mind: engage in activities that nourish you, and don't hesitate to consult a therapist for further assistance.
  • Communicate Your Needs: Have an open and honest conversation with your partner about your changing desires and what feels comfortable for you. Same for your partner
  • Explore Non-Sexual Intimacy: Focus on building intimacy through non-sexual touch, like cuddling, hand-holding, or massage, which can help maintain a physical connection without pressure.
  • Create a Relaxing Environment: Stress can further reduce libido. Create a relaxing environment by taking warm baths, practicing relaxation techniques, or engaging in activities that make you feel good.
  • Exercise: With your doctor's approval, engage in regular, gentle exercise. Physical activity can boost your mood and energy levels, which may positively impact your libido.
What can I do if I'm not in the mood for intimacy due to nausea?
  • Explain how you're feeling to your partner and suggest alternative ways to connect and be intimate that don't make your nausea worse. This could include watching a movie together or sharing a hobby. You might also just want to sleep, and that's okay.
Are there specific foods that can help reduce nausea?
  • Yes, bland foods like crackers, toast, or plain rice can be easier on your stomach. Cold meals can also be less nauseating than hot ones because they have a less potent smell. And really, try to eat frequently in small amounts. Hunger (along with hormones) can create a sensation of nausea.
How can we maintain our relationship if my libido is low?
  • A low libido doesn't necessarily create difficulties in a relationship. If it's challenging for the partner, sessions with sexologists can be helpful. Next, what you can do is prioritize emotional intimacy and communication. Share your feelings and fears with each other. Discovering fresh ways to express love and affection can strengthen your connection.
Will these changes last throughout my entire pregnancy?
  • Every pregnancy is unique, but many women find that nausea improves after the first trimester and that libido can fluctuate throughout pregnancy and the postpartum period.
By adopting these practical tips and maintaining open communication with your partner, you can navigate the challenges of nausea and changes in libido more comfortably and continue to foster a strong, supportive relationship during this transformative time.
Once again, remember that sex should not feel like pressure.
Take your time to feel better, to rest, and to take care of yourself.
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Any suggestions on what to do for decreased libido? I feel bad because my husband keeps asking for sex but it hurts and I feel helpless.

Following I have the same issue
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11 Jun 2023

My nausea increased and wanting to eat has decreased 🤦🏾‍♀️😭😭😭😭😭.

Try vitamin b6 and unison it helps amazing! Ob recommended it for me because my nausea was completely awful❤️
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omg my doctor gave me pills because my nausea issss sooo badd like rlly rlly bad and it doesn’t help at all it makes me throw up moree
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4 Apr 2023

I’ll be 11 weeks tomorrow & my appetite has decreased, nausea through the roof! And my boobs are not as tender as they use to be. Is that normal for the breast part???

Angela ♏ ♊ ♐
Yep! I dealt with that exact thing around that time. The nausea was the only reminder I was still pregnant. It made me nervous when my titties stopped aching.
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My breast stop hurting too same weeks as you but nausea remains lol
27 Mar 2024
