12 Mar 2024

Raising a child on your own

A child living alone with one parent is common in France. Nearly a quarter of all children are in this situation. Here are some tips for raising your child.

  • It is important to support the parent who is absent by talking about them from time to time.
  • Avoid considering your child as the referee of your relationship with your former partner.
  • Make time for your child, but also try to take time for yourself.
  • Your child is like a sponge, so take advantage of this to awaken his curiosity and desire to discover the world.
31 Jan 2024

Hey y’all This is my second pregnancy & planned. However my newest baby daddy has discard me & left me in the Er alone . He did this all because I ruined his high & he had no cigs or weed . I feel absolutely horrible & alone . This is my rainbow baby & I didn’t want to raise another child alone . Any advice on how to stay strong mentally, how to push yourself to have low or no contact ?

You are worthy, girl!!! You don't need that stress. While he's gone, use that time to do something nice for yourself. Run a warm bath, candles, and music or talk to God. If you can't do it for yourself, then do it for that baby. I will say a prayer for you. This first trimester is the most important. You got this, Mama!❤️
31 Jan 2024


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Itty Bitty Toy
31 Jan 2024


Gabby Perez Tatum
1 Aug 2023

For single and pregnant women brave to give birth alone and raise a kid alone I'm scared 😳 but capable with Jesus Christ in my heart 💜❤️

Praying for you 🙏🏽🤍
1 Aug 2023


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Gabby Perez Tatum
thank you 🙏
1 Aug 2023


10 Jul 2023

How do I learn how to deal with how my father is treating me…. I just had a c section and I’m recovering ,yes my parents help with the baby but my dad doesn’t let the father of my child come whenever so I’ve just been feeling down. My dad thinks it’s best if I raise the child alone just cause he thinks the father isn’t for me. I’m happy with the father of my child like we wanna continue and get a place .I just thought in the start it would be okay to live home but maybe I thooght wrong. There’s no conflict or drama ans I hate that my dad assumes like he’s controlling how I should feel and I hate it here.

I would just straight up tell your dad, “Thats his baby too and he can see it whenever he wants, whether you approve or not” I know it won’t be easy, but you should stand up to him. It would be different if your man wasn’t acting like the father he should be
10 Jul 2023


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He’s like making me crazy cause one moment he tells me oh that guys isn’t for you and then the next he’s like ur the one who has to make a choice for you and ur baby and it’s like well yeah if me and the father is dating and is on good terms then that should show enough for now ,plus how u expect for the father to show of my dad doesn’t want him coming but only like once a week
10 Jul 2023


17 Feb 2023

I give birth in 82 days and I’m truly terrified and scared and I don’t know if I can do it naturally because this is my first child and I don’t wanna do this by myself or feel as if I’m alone I don’t want my child thinking I’m a bad mama because I don’t know if I will raise him the best way I can. But then I feel like my dad is in my corner but i don’t really know because he says the most wrong stuff at times and I know he is disappointed at me for getting pregnant but it’s a decision I made if I wanted an abortion or raise the baby and I don’t wanna second guess my decision but I know I’ll be a great mother.

17 Feb 2023


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Congratulations so happy for you you got this stay strong
17 Feb 2023


Aiden Scott
29 Jan 2023

Well after the talk with my grandpa basically he is disappointed in me, but I understand he expects more from me I got pregnant the 1st time by my babydaddy , now I'm pregnant again by him lost the 1st child now with my rainbow baby, but he was telling me I'm hurting my mom and I need to get out her house he said be ause I didn't listen to nobody and did what I wanted to do , now I gotta raise this child alone he said he still love me an will always love me but I mean everybody make mistakes, but I lost my 1st child so I thought he would be easy on me but he wasn't my grandparents are pastors. But I'm grown I'm 25 I waited until I'm 25 to have a baby. I guess I should of waited to move out my mom house.

R E C Y 🫶🏾❣️
I mean I get where he is coming from . I guess you can call this the hurt part of the beginning ….. it’s going to be hard . When you love someone and expected so much out of them . You can do anything but blame yourself . Having a baby with them doesn’t make it any better ! Once you are able to cope through it it’ll get better . I know you can get through this . It’s a step up to a new and better beginning !! ❣️❣️🙏🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
29 Jan 2023


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Aiden Scott
Right I understand an it is my fault I did it to myself so I do get where he coming from I totally do. I don't even know what to do at this point I'm thinking about leaving my mom house I'm stress out.
29 Jan 2023


9 Sep 2022

I’m just getting out of a emotionally & physically relationship. I’m so afraid I’m going to have to raise my baby alone 🥺😞 #sendhugs 🤍✨

You got this. There light at the end of the tunnel. 🤗🤗
9 Sep 2022


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5 Sep 2022

Long post alert ! I went through so much in my pregnancy! My bd chose his ex over me , I found out abt her at 3 months. I was very hurt at first, then he started back coming around two weeks later, saying he wanted his family. One day when I was almost 4 months we were together and she pulled up to where we were. She tried to fight me knowing I was pregnant & when he didn’t let her and tried to drive off she crashed her car into us, totaling both cars and she went to jail. After he fought to get me back. We got back together and I was under the impression he wasn’t talking to her anymore . He was doing right by me , we was living together and always around each other. At around 5 1/2 months, he started to put his hands on me and verbally abuse me. One day it went to far at 24 weeks and we broke up for good. When he left I was hurt bad, I started my journal and decided to just coparent with him for the sake of my son. One day in my journal I asked God to open my eyes and show me the right path. Last week I found out even after she totaled his car he been still talking to the girl & seeing her while at was work. Just made me look bad my whole pregnancy. He was telling her he not gone help me, I’m obsessed with him and they even went as far as talking bad abt my unborn child, all while we were together. When we broke up, He’d tell her that I was begging him to be together, I asked him for money, said more things abt our child. Knowing these things were False , I’m very well off and never needed anything from him. The only thing I spoke to him abt after I healed from the breakup was our son bc I just wanted my son to have a relationship with his father. I questioned him about it bc I had no proof it was just her dm me and harassing me from fake pages. I told him that she needed to stop harassing me. I made it clear I didn’t care who he decided to be with but I don’t want my baby around a person who tried to harm me while I was pregnant and spoke ill abt my unborn child. He told me he was not with her, it was lies, she obsessed and he just wanna be there for his son. Later that day she sent me proof of everything he was saying abt me and my child, then insisted she will be around my child regardless. I was over the drama. I just decided to block him and he won’t see my baby bc I don’t want my child around her and he clearly doesn’t respect that. Plus learning that he’d spoke ill on his own child was the icing on the cake. I rather raise my son alone then do it with someone who will speak negatively abt their child to impress a female & allow her around him after she crashed a car into us and called him disgusting names. He’s not even born and I refuse for anything to happen to my child bc I didn’t protect him from people who clearly don’t care abt him. Now I’m doing so much better. I’ve accepted the fact that I will be a single mommy and I’m gonna protect my son by any means

As you should and honey you got this 💪🏾🥰
5 Sep 2022


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protect your baby by any means! this isn’t being bitter! he needs help just as much as she does! keep those screenshots messages and everything you have just in case! please pray and keep yourself and your baby safe! always watch your surroundings and remain cautious!! those are evil people! rebuke them in the name of Jesus! God bless you and your beautiful healthy baby boy! no weapon formed against shall prosper! You are and will be amazing to your baby! better than any evil ill and messed up bd or ex could ever be!
5 Sep 2022


23 Aug 2022

I see a lot of mommies complaining there child’s father / bf is mad at them because of this and that etc etc , but at least he’s by your side i have go through my whole pregnancy alone ALONE !!

frr mine gonna still be there for the baby so i can only partially relate to a certain extent but wish i was getting belly rubs n spoiled by my man instead singlen pregnant makes me sad i didn’t want my daughter to deal w that
23 Aug 2022


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Girl mines lied bout being there and yet I’m still doing it alone alone saw him 2 times since i told him and one was to get some smoke for my home girl
23 Aug 2022


23 Jul 2022

Hi... I'm real new to this, and more recently single... Father of baby decided it would be better to raise baby separately, and I'm feeling real heartbroken and lonely and scared. Just looking for a place to connect with other first time moms so I don't feel so alone. #firsttimemom #singlemom #boymom

I’m not a first time mom but I did raise my other 3 alone and girl you got this ❤️ it comes naturally once you meet you baby 🥰
23 Jul 2022


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Thank you. 🥺 Just hurting and missing him, since it really came out of left field, but I know we'll be okay. We got this.
23 Jul 2022


9 May 2022

It still has not set in for me that I am having a baby, yet alone a boy lol (gender reveal this Saturday) but I’m 99.9% sure it is a boy. It just gives me major anxiety to have to raise a boy 🥺

Aw yes I know the love he gives me will be like nothing ever before! How did u do with changing diapers and seeing the weewee 😭😭😭 cause I feel like that’s gone take sum getting used to.
9 May 2022


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Boys are gonna be the best. I'm a first time mom with My baby boy. He is gonna be a mama's boy and so sweet and cuddly. It's going to be amazing. Probanly will get peed on a few times. Oh well it's all part of the process
9 May 2022
