2 Apr 2024

Temp Track: Menstrual Monitoring

Temp Track: Menstrual Monitoring
Monitoring your body temperature is an important part of tracking your menstrual cycle. Taking your temperature at the same time each day can help you detect ovulation and determine the length of your luteal phase 🌡️ 
However, taking your temperature correctly can be tricky, especially during your menstrual cycle. Here are some tips to help you check your temperature accurately and consistently.
Use a Basal Thermometer
Basal thermometers (aka BBT)are specially designed to measure the slight fluctuations in body temperature that occur during ovulation 📏 
These thermometers are more accurate than regular fever thermometers and can detect even small changes in temperature. Make sure to purchase a basal thermometer that measures temperatures to at least two decimal places ✌🏼 as this will give you the most accurate readings.
Take Your Temperature First Thing in the Morning
To get the most accurate readings, it's best to take your temperature first thing in the morning, before you get out of bed 🛌 
This will give you a consistent baseline temperature to compare with throughout your cycle. 
Make sure to take your temperature at the same time each morning, as even small variations in timing can affect your readings 🙌🏽
Record Your Temperature Every Day
Keeping track of your daily temperature readings is important for tracking your menstrual cycle. Use a notebook or app to record your temperature each day, along with any other symptoms or changes you notice in your body 📝 This will help you identify patterns in your cycle and determine when you are ovulating.
Adjust for Menstrual Cycle Changes
It's important to adjust your temperature readings for changes in your menstrual cycle. During your period, your temperature may be lower than usual, and after ovulation, it may rise slightly 📈 
To get an accurate picture of your cycle, make sure to note when your period starts and ends and adjust your temperature readings accordingly.
Checking your temperature while monitoring your menstrual cycle can be a helpful tool in predicting ovulation and understanding your body's patterns.
 Remember to use a basal thermometer, take your temperature first thing in the morning, record your temperature every day, and adjust for menstrual cycle changes. 
By following these tips, you'll be able to get the most accurate readings and gain a better understanding of your menstrual cycle. Don't forget to consult with your healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns 👩🏽‍⚕️
Julie Perlier
Medical Gynecology
Erin Presnall
3 Jul 2023

Ok lady's baby dust for me and Daniel🙏❤period done yesterday. Ovulation temp count starting today. My watch has been monitoring temps for a month so hopefully its accurate! I've stabilized hormones. Taking all my herbs and vitamins! So praying my father blesses this cycle!!!!!

Baby dust to you!!
27 Mar 2024


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Uneike ❤️
Keep trusting love ! He hears you ! And has you! Sending baby sprinkles !!!🎉❤️❤️
27 Mar 2024


🕸💀⛓ Trei ⛓ 🌹🦇
22 Apr 2023

I told Husband I think I've finally figured out how to track my menstrual cycle using the phases of the moon. I warned him that full moon time is most likely my most fertile time of the month and that we should be extra cautious then. This man really gonna give me the 😏 and go "Sooo... I can also track your period and ovulation on my watch. It keeps track of the lunar cycle." I'm guessing he's talking about his fishing/hunting watch. Fucking nerd. He's so proud of that thing. Bless 'im! 😂

27 Mar 2024


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20 Jan 2023

Has anyone used their Fitbit watch to track ovulation? I could get an actual BBT but this does look at my temp overnight, however it’s skin temp. It looks at baseline, I’m not sure if this would be able to tell if I ovulated.

Danielle 🦦🪷
I mean if you use it for like a month and compare those numbers to an actual bbt you might be able to tell. You never know until you try
27 Mar 2024


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