Is giving birth painful and is there an alternative to not feel pain?

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18 Jan 2024

Okay what do y'all take after giving birth with an epidural I'm in so much pain and I have a walking 1 year old and a 2 day old newborn

TayTay 🫶🏾✨️
Well I didn't take anything I like to thug stuff out I hate meds but try some ibuprofen n a heat pad n try your best to relax 🫶🏾 pray you feel better 🙏🏽
18 Jan 2024


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21 Nov 2023

Does anyone know any ways to help pain during birth? I'm not there yet, at 27-28 weeks now but I'm so scared to give birth. I'm just trying to make the best out of my first birth and not have to go through so much pain 😩 I heard the epidural doesn't always work and I'm scared that I'm going to move it I were to get it and it wouldn't work on me

I don’t know of any other pain management besides epidural lol. As soon as they tell me I can get it I go for it lol
21 Nov 2023


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Hypnobirthing, water births, counter pressure, drink rrlt eat ur dates. Gas mask. Comb technique, tens unit.
22 Nov 2023


10 Nov 2023

Literally almost having a break down 2 weeks after giving birth I feel and look a mess along with my breast engorged it’s painful an stressful as well

Praying for you sweetie. There is light at the end of the tunnel and I just want you to know that beloved.
10 Nov 2023


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28 Feb 2023

Any one else experience severe lower back pain or cramps / contractions after giving birth I know there normal but I feel like I’m in constant severe pain and they only gave me Tylenol 😒🤦🏻‍♀️

Mine are so bad and I feel like my back is gonna fall off
28 Feb 2023


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Yes.. I was in a wheelchair for 2 days after I had my first baby bc of the SI damage in my back
28 Feb 2023


I had her Saturday and I was fine pain was mild small back aches and then around Sunday evening it all started getting bad
28 Feb 2023


12 Feb 2023

I’m looking at induced births vs natural births and I think I’ve made a huge mistake. It says online it can take up to 3 days after you’re induced to actually have baby(which is just the medicine, stripping your membranes or having your water broke). They all sound extremely painful and I’m already going to be giving birth, I just am overwhelmed because I think Braxton hicks are painful. And I know I’m super excited to have my baby girl but I don’t want to put myself through extra pain. I also found out what transitional labor is (the last contractions that are super painful before you have baby) and I still need to take birthing classes. I didn’t post this to get y’all scared or anything, I’m just thinking I can’t do the induction.

My induction with my son took 5 days. I'm hoping this one with my girl is faster. I have to be induced due to hypertension otherwise I'd opt for natural labor.
12 Feb 2023


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I have 3 other kids and 2 out of 3 of them I had to be induced bc I ended up having a VERY SLOW amniotic fluid leak.really the extra help is no worse then going into labor on your own. Contractions/labor hurt either way it's done. And you can't even tell your water was broken. I'm sure you will be fine.
12 Feb 2023


I have fetal growth restriction so I’ll have a nicu baby for a while but she won’t grow in my body properly, they told me about being induced and I immediately opted for it.
12 Feb 2023


3 Feb 2023

Ohhhhhh weeee single mothers my hat goes off to you all…y’all are the real MVP. There is NO WAY and I mean ABSOLUTELY NO WAY for a mother to endure so much pain after giving birth especially a c-section. You need a team of people there to assist you once you get home 😢 Thank you god for my fiancé and family! They took off to help me, the first night was alot and waking up to this pain is a whole different topic

Awww that's the reason I'm so terrified to get a C-section I hope you feel better soon mama❤️❤️❤️ and I feel the same way props to all the mamas that had to have c-sections❤️
3 Feb 2023


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C-section pain is different. This was my 2nd one and it hurt like hell because I had staples. The first time i was good only had stitches so there was no pain at all.
3 Feb 2023


I wouldn’t be able to do it! Also they need to revamp the hospital stay for moms who gets this type of surgery 🥴
3 Feb 2023


4 Nov 2022

Any advice on what to do for a birth plan. My husband is convinced that it’ll be harder for me with me having Vaginismus. I don’t know if a want an epidural or not. What are the potential side effects on me and the baby. How would you describe the pain while giving birth?

Nobody can tell you what to do . Only you know your tolerance . But natural is better for baby . No drug 🤷🏽‍♀️ the contractions will loosen your muscles, so I would g worry about your fear of penetration
4 Nov 2022


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Pain wasn't lasting. The pain comes from your body working the cervix back. All productive! Epidural will slow you down!
4 Nov 2022


So will an epidural slow the delivery process down? My mom got a back stint when she was deliverying and she said they did it wrong and now the nerves in her back are messed up
4 Nov 2022


15 Sep 2022

Im a first time soon to be mom. How was your pregnancy? Was giving birth scary, painful, how did you feel? I'm so scared. Im almost 13 weeks and the more my stomach gets firm and soon to grow more i feel im going to start having anxiety an become more nervous. I have heard too many labor nightmares I'm just afraid. What makes it worse is i lost a highschool friend who passed away giving birth to her daughter. So that does not help. I said i was never going to get pregnant because of that an now here i am.

Angel Lee ❣️
My first pregnancy was easy and I enjoyed it until I got to the end and I was so ready to have him felt like I was pregnant for ever 😂🙄. But yes as your stomach gets tighter and bigger realization kicks in 🥹 like there is really a human being you’re creating inside of you 🥰. I remember taking a birth class toward the end of my pregnancy and it also helped and put my mind to ease some . There is nothing you really can do to prepare and searching just makes things worse . Just remember to breath and honestly your body when you’re in labor just knows what to do . It is very scary but you just have to stay positive and be strong . You got this girl 🙌🏼. Enjoy this pregnancy it’s such a beautiful experience fr . This is my second pregnancy and I worry more then I did with my son and I was a lot younger . It’s really bcs I have access to the internet and googling is a bitch 🤣😅😩
15 Sep 2022


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I was terrified to give birth. I hate needles and medication on general and I didnt think I could do it naturally. but I had a healthy almost 9lb baby completely natural! it was not easy but I do not have a high pain tolerance lol. it can be done girl. dont be too scared. avoid the negative stories and stick to only reading positive birth stories! we have so much help in this day and age that its so much safer. remember our bodies were made to do exactly this!! you can and will do this girl! try to learn how to focus on breathing. meditation will help. that was the key reason I got through it. I stayed calm and focused on breathing deeply the entire time and it wasn't easy! but i prepared for it the entire pregnancy by learning how to control my breath. it really did work. you got this mama!!
15 Sep 2022


I was so petrified of getting pregnant cause I was mortified of labor. I've been reading about hypnobirthing and techniques for relaxation to try to get myself ready for the moment. I'm still anxious but definitely not as mortified as I was before
15 Sep 2022


13 Sep 2022

To the moms who’ve given birth vaginally and without any epidural or pain medication.. how was your experience? I’m due next month and I’m really nervous about it since I want to do it all naturally. I’m just curious about how the pain is and if labor or delivery was more painful? TIA!


17 Jun 2022

Guys I have a question. So my due date is January 4th and my OB said if I wanted I could get induced, I do believe she said 2 weeks before I’m due and I’m just wanting to know is it better and less painful to get induced? I’ve had a child before so I know the pain and if I can give birth without pain then I would prefer to lol so is it less painful to get induced so I can get my epidural BEFORE they induce me?

I got induce for my first son if u wanna go natural they will but they pretty much make u go into labor and if it goes right it should be easier but still painful I had to get a c section because I couldn't dilate past a 6 1/2 and he was positioned wrong so I had to do a c section but getting induced they do most of the work for u
17 Jun 2022


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Induction is worse. It makes contractions much stronger and more painful, and it also runs the risk of a downward spiral or cascade of unnecessary interventions. It can cause fetal distress and it should NEVER be done unless absolutely medically necessary. It's the main reason why so many women get the epidural and end in emergency cesareans. Unnecessary intervention will likely result in more unnecessary interventions, leading to complications. It's best to let baby come when baby is ready, and to just trust the process. When a mother is not fully informed on this, providers like to take advantage of the opportunity because they make much more money off of inductions and cesareans. They also do not like allowing babies to come when they're ready because it inconveniences them. So their pockets get fatter at their convenience. It's as if we've forgotten how to trust our body and the amazing process. Our bodies aren't broken, the system is. If you want to have a more natural birth and allow your body to do what it was meant to do, then decline it, and follow your intuition.. go when you're ready. Also, it's never too late to switch providers because to me, this is a huge red flag, and I highly recommend seeing a birth center/home birth midwife, or at LEAST have a doula if you're birthing in a hospital. Personally, I chose to have home birth midwife all three times and had my girls at home. They came when they were ready. No rushing the process and no asking if I want to be induced, no artificial breaking of the water, no epidural, no unnecessary interventions. I trusted my body, and it paid off. Very empowering, and I didn't think I could do it. We're literally built for it, even when you don think you are. You are only 11 weeks pregnant. If your provider is already bringing up induction, with no true medical reason to do so, consider that a red flag mama. Do the homework. Find out your OBGYN's induction rates, and cesarean rates. It's important to find the right provider for you, as that will greatly affect the outcome of your birth, and whether or not it will be traumatic or natural and successful. Birth experience matters, and your research and choices play a huge role. Look into hypnobirthing if you want to learn how to manage the pain naturally. There is a book called 'Hypnobirthing: The Mongan Method' which is such a great resource for learning how to get through labor pains and sort of putting yourself into a deep meditative state. Read that, and also read 'The Business of Being Born'. These books will help you so much, and you will understand things better, and trust your body and the process. You will realize what's really necessary, and what isn't. I switched from an OBGYN (hospital birth) to a midwife (home birth) at 33 weeks pregnant with my first pregnancy ten years ago, and it was the best decision I ever made. My OBGYN was doing everything that I didn't like, from the nasty glucose GD test, which is unnecessary, and talking about inductions, and they treated me like just another number, another patient. When I switched very late, to a midwife, the difference in care was like night and day! I was so happy I switched, I even changed insurances because I wanted something different so that I could have the birth I wanted (a close friend of mine convinced me because I didn't care for the OBGYN), so I took a dive into considering home birth. Now three children later, I'm so happy I made that initial decision, because now, all of my girls have been born at home and I have never been induced. Never had any complications, no tears, no emergencies (hospitals and their providers CREATE the emergencies because of how they treat labor and birth), and I would do it over and over again. Doctors and OBGYN's working for hospitals are known for their medical malpractice and untrustworthy procedures, that shouldn't have happened in the first place. Do the research and the homework mama! It's still early, so do it while you can! I've learned this through experience and observation of so many mamas that go through the same thing. It's a red flag. Don't allow it. Your baby knows when to come, not your OB. There's no flaw in God's design.
17 Jun 2022


I wanna be friends with you!!!.... I was saying the same thing...even though this is my first pregnancy... my body knows what it is doing... I do not have to force labor unless life or the baby is in trouble
17 Jun 2022


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