2 Apr 2024

Event-Pregnancy Test

Time for a Pregnancy Test
It works by detecting a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in your urine. Typically around 4 weeks after the last menstrual period or 2 weeks after ovulation.
Be prepared for your test
Top Asked Questions
How soon can I take a pregnancy test after suspected conception?

Most home pregnancy tests claim to be accurate as early as the first day of a missed period, or about 14 days after conception. For the most reliable results, it's recommended to wait at least one week after your missed period.

Can I get a false negative result on a pregnancy test?

Yes, false negatives can occur, especially if the test is taken too early, not following the instructions properly, or if your urine is too diluted. Testing again a few days later with the first morning urine can reduce the chance of a false negative.

Are digital pregnancy tests more accurate than line tests?

Digital tests and line tests are equally accurate in detecting the hormone hCG in your urine. The choice between them often comes down to personal preference; digital tests spell out the result, which can eliminate confusion about interpreting faint lines.

What does it mean if the test line is very faint?

A faint test line usually still indicates a positive result, meaning that the pregnancy hormone hCG has been detected, but perhaps at lower levels. This can happen early in pregnancy. It's advisable to retake the test in a couple of days to see if the line becomes darker as the hCG levels increase.

Can anything interfere with the accuracy of a pregnancy test?

Certain factors can affect the accuracy, including taking the test too early, not using it correctly, or the expiration date of the test. Some medications, particularly those containing hCG (used in fertility treatments), can also give a false positive result. Always check the test's expiry date and follow the instructions carefully for the most accurate result.

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