Breastfed baby gassy and not pooping, is it normal ?

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3 Jan 2024

My baby is almost 3 months old and is breastfed. The last few weeks she’s only been pooping once a week, which her dr said is fine! But now it’s been TWO WEEKS. She acts totally normal like nothing is wrong. Called her Dr’s office and they say I could give her 2oz of either apple, pear or prune juice, which I did. Just wondering if any one else’s baby has gone DAYS like this? Still waiting for her to create that explosive diaper! She’s still happy as can be 😊


12 Oct 2023

Is it normal for newborns to randomly stop pooping? I’m reading conflicting things online and I’m not sure if I should take her to the hospital or not. Anything I can try before going there? She’s still passing gas,peeing and burping.


20 Mar 2023

My fellow mommies, is it normal to be super gassy 😩😂 I’m only 5 weeks and I’ve been pooping and gassy like crazy


7 Feb 2023

My son not pooping often yes he’s breastfed but he can go a whole week Ik it’s normal but he’s done it more than once. Talked to pediatrician he’s fine I’m starting to think I need to eat healthier… I’m really not at the moment and so I think that’s what’s causing his irregular bowel movements…


22 Jan 2023

I've had to change my little girl's diaper 3 times today because she pooped through her diaper and her onesies! She has been easily gassy lately so maybe it was just kind of building up but damn! I didn't think an infant (almost 3 weeks old) could poop so much in one day! I almost got worried she wasn't feeling well but she seems to be doing fine now after that last blowout. Just to help me feel at ease, has anyone else gone through this? She isn't constantly pooping through her onesies or even always pooping a lot it's just runny but it's been that way for a while so maybe it's just normal. (She is breastfed if that means anything)


14 Jan 2023

So, I have a question. I've been told by nurses that it's normal for a breastfed baby to go one and sometimes two weeks without a bowel movement.. but I just don't see how that can be normal. My daughter has not pooped since Sunday but they don't see any concern and don't even tell her doctor and have her doctor contact me..


21 Dec 2022

Is it normal for a 3 week old baby to go days without pooping when breastfeeding? One thing he is doing is passing gas that stinks and eating normal.


27 Nov 2022

My baby has decided to stop drinking half way through her bottles and also refusing baby food. She's peeping and pooping like normal. I'm just wondering if this a phase? Today is the start of day 2.


21 Sep 2022

Breastfeeding Mama's I need your help- Is this normal? My baby is 6 weeks old and is exclusively breastfed, I feed her every 3-4 hours and on demand. I burp her after each feeding and keep her upright for 20 minutes. She spits up after every feed (sometimes immediately after feeding, sometimes 20 minutes after, sometimes an hour after and sometimes multiple times) the pediatrician told us this is normal for babies and some are more spitty than others. She poops all day long, I am not joking when I say I change 9-12 poopy diapers per day. She is constantly pooping, she poops multiple times while I am changing her diaper (projectile liquidy poop) sometimes I go through 4 and 5 diapers in one diaper change because she is literally ALWAYS pooping. Even in between diaper changes there is poop in her diaper (we discussed with the pediatrician and decided it's best to not change her diaper for only a small amount of poop since we do not want to irritate her butt with so many diaper changes per day. I use Triple Paste as a barrier cream to protect her skin, and disposable washcloths in warm water instead of wipes to protect her butt from diaper rash). The pediatrician told us the frequent bowel movements and consistency is normal for breastfed babies and may change around the two month mark. She is also very fussy after she eats, she grunts and pushes, her face turns reds, she squirms around, she cry's, she wants to be held and starts screaming when we out her down, she's gassy and gets the hiccups- after every single feed, she looks so uncomfortable. The pediatrician told us this is still her learning her bodily functions and assured us she is not in distress. She is my first baby so I have no clue if this is normal or not but I feel like she's uncomfortable and it breaks my heart. Is this normal? Is this abnormal? Any input is greatly appreciated. Thank you 💜


17 Sep 2022

My baby girl been pooping like mustard yellow lately is it normal? I give her formula and I also breast feed


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